As a non-criminal, I have had a variety of encounters with law enforcement over the years, usually of the traffic-stop variety, and I'm sure my extreme whiteness has played a role in me not being dead of lead poisoning.

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It's the end of that phase of the investigation. Not a dead stop.

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Waiting for 12 chan myself.

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The Internet police are very, very small, so that they can fit in all the tubes. Sometimes they get lost.

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The problem is some people were never taught that you aren't supposed to shit in the public pool.

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Pi-chan is the most irrational.

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A significant factor is "section 230", a wildly misguided 1990s law that lets site admins claim immunity from litigation and prosecution if they consistently refuse to moderate.

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it's the police's job; a counter terrorism unit

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It is not policed because there is no money to be made (or lost) by doing anything about it. Solutions require money and time and there is no deep pocket funding this, whether that pocket is the government or an business.

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4chan went broke once before, back in 2016 when all their advertising dried up. We could make that happen again.


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I wanted to make a ‘The question is m00t’ joke, referring to Christopher Poole, the asshole who founded 4chan, hosting and administrating it until 2015, but it seems he sold it. And was immediately hired by Google.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/...

The current owner is Hiroyuki Nishimura, who is by all accounts an equally vile human being.https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Oh god I googled. :(

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Funny, you take the biggest, dumbest kitty all revved up about going to town (the vet!), and "scruff" him, and he becomes that kitten.

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