Well, I WAS going to get a booster for my health, but NOW I'm going to out of spite.

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I believe Ladapo just gets off on talking old white people into killing themselves; Ronnie likes to watch.

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Good thing I'll never meet the asshole, because I always hear "Ladopa" when I see his name. I'd just blurt it out.

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La Dope went to Harvard Med School. Unbelievable ...

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Harvard Med School grads know what side their bread is buttered on.

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And tenured at UCLA. I'm having surgery down there in two weeks. I'll have to rib them about that.

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Get your Covid shots AND your flu shots. The flu season here in Australia was absolutely brutal. It's a nasty nasty strain this year, lots of people presented to hospital with very high temperatures and breathing problems. Kids especially were badly affected. And it was taking a long time to clear.

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"That’s a gift that’s one of that’s something that we’re endowed with from our Creator” will be coming to MAGA merch - T-shirts, bumper stickers, really big hats, you name it - in two weeks! (Right after infrastructure week).

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Remember the phrase from Orwell's 1984?

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

Florida's Dr in charge of public health:

“Remember that experience of hearing these very educated people telling you what you should think but then listening inside to what makes sense, right?” Ladapo said. “What feels right. You know what feels like truth.”

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You know, comforting lies.

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Well, there is this guy. If you haven't seen Michael Keaton in Dopesick yet, it is horrifying.

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When did the residents of Outer Wingnuttia become disenchanted with "Big Pharma," exactly?

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when they stopped getting the good stuff they wanted because of opiod crisi

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killing off mostly conservative elderly voters in a retirement state is definitely an interesting strategy for the GOP.

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The virus doesn't care what you believe.

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Millions of people "feel" that Trump won in 2020.

Oh...I guess that's the point.

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My gut is telling me it's time for lunch!

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"“Remember that experience of hearing these very educated people telling you what you should think but then listening inside to what makes sense, right?” Ladapo said."

What makes sense to me is that Florida's Ladapo is just as much of a bought-and-paid-for political hack as he is a phony doctor who-fakes-medical-data quack.

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Having been vaccinated, boosted, and then boosted again, I was awaiting this new vaccine. Sadly, it came a little too late: I contracted my very first case of COVID last week. Fortunately, it looks like I came through a relatively mild illness, with nothing really bad lingering (aside from the awful taste Paxlovid leaves in your mouth).

Needless to say, I'm getting the next booster as soon as I'm able.

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I only just got to this story, which is sighty ironic, as a friend told me yesterday (13th) that he got Covid for the second time. Fortunately he can do some of his work from home, and as soon as he is better, he will go get that new vaccine right away. I've already arranged to get it too.

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Glad you’re okay. Gonna get both flu AND booster when I can. Better living through chemicals I say.

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Glad you got through it okay; I will be standing on line for the booster as soon as the line forms. (Had it once. Don't need to do that again.)

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“We’re all in different points in our spiritual journeys," Fuck off with that noise. I'm most decidedly NOT on a spiritual journey.

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Not with those dummies.

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