A brain worm would explain a lot about why he's the way he is.

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I now suspect TFG IS a brain worm.

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The thing is we only have his account, during a divorce, where he was trying to get away with less alimony.

I mean.

I am not saying he didn't have a dead brain worm, but guys have come up with even weirder stories to get away from paying alimony before.

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Exactly so! And to top it all off, this is the ex-wife who hanged herself before the divorce was final, was buried in the Kennedy family plot, then was later exhumed and moved to an unmarked grave.

You know, totally normal shit.

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Nah, it was Jr’s syphilis that killed the *brain* worm . (Does Jr HAVE a brain ?) .

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Whenever someone mentions "brain worms," all I can think of is Orson Scott Card's novel "Wyrms," in which the heads of the wisest people are kept alive by headworms which force the heads to speak only the truth. It's a typical Card religious/political allegory, with the planet Imakulata, the prophecy of the birth of Kristos, characters named Patience, Peace, Reck and Ruin, Will, Angel, and the Unwyrm which must be defeated. I only know that from looking up a synopsis, because even though I read the whole novel, the only thing I could recall was the Slaves' Hall with the Futurama-esque heads in jars and their headworms. :)

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wait wait wait. wasn't night gallery the (modern - sure there's some medieval-y nightmares out there) original bug brain infestation story? but that episode (and the ending) have haunted for 40 years. that and that stupid trilogy of terror fucking doll in the oven.

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Karen Black fighting that doll really missed up my head when I was young.

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Yes that thing was nasty!

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Next he’ll have vaccine-induced Morgellons (spl?). I’m waiting

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"The food here is terrible, and such small portions!"

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I can't believe that you, Dok, forgot the earwig episode of Night Gallery

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"Kennedy said that test results showed “his mercury levels were 10 times what the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe.”

Note to self: DO NOT EAT

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It’s ironic that an anti-vaxxer who crusaded to get mercury taken out of vaccines that didn’t contain mercury ended up with mercury poisoning.

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I think the mercury poisoning came first, hence teh crusade against mercury

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Kennedy has worms, but Trump has spirochetes. And while Kennedy was mainlining his dope, Trump still snorts his. So I dunno Kennedy stealing Biden votes. He was intended to, sure, but he's ended up ratfucking Trump -- they have so much in common -- that the GOP pulled the money plug. Alas, he'd guarded against that by VPing a billionairess, so the GOP NYT torpedoed hom w worms.

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To be fair, afib (atrial fibrillation) which affects 5% or more of the “chronologically advanced” population, is quite often treated with electrical cardioversion to shock the heart back into sinus rhythm. It’s not routine, but not reserved for life-threatening conditions. Often it is used to reset the rhythm so other treatments (drugs, lifestyle) can take over. My Mom has had it twice, my aunt once, and it did them a world of good.

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I read that as "chronically advanced age" and it still fit, while implying there is a non-chronic form of aging.

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Ta, Dok. I can remember when Jr. was a decent environmental lawyer. That was long ago.

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We knew something was eating Bobby.

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Well, now I'm horny.

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You sicko.

Call me.

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