I would be hard pressed not to take up archery, with fire arrows.

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At least there they are being honest. And are probably serial killers.

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You laugh but there was a can left in the debris.


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There's a Flag Code. It doesn't have any penalties. BTW the Flag Code encourages the burning of the flag, (when a torn or soiled flag must be discarded.)

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These fucken people just never stop lying. Every day's a new sack full o' shite.

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Get that fucker OUT. Then turn a very bright light on the damn near irreparable damage he's done. Then start cranking the time backwards, to see if we can possibly repair the wreckage.

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I dunno, I find having it dark late into the morning more difficult than the early sunsets in the winter, so I still kinda hate DST even though I’m in northern MN. But I hate the changing back and forth more than I dislike either standard time or DST.

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Postal banking. Mail service with the respect of deserves.

And, finally, to cut that smirking bloated incompetent out of a seat he was never qualified for.

I paid $40 I didn't have because my Best Buy bill was one day late and I allowed three weeks for it to get there.

It normally takes four days to post via mail.

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What happened to that criminal after he "escaped?" Is he still missing?

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Sigh. I acknowledge you are likely correct but struggled to hit the upvote.

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What really confuses them is when white people don't trust the police because their friends aren't safe to come over.

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On the john? Sounds legit.

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Holder got hate for two reasons, and one was him being appointed by President Obama. The second, of course, had nothing to with his political leanings or legal record.

None of Biden's picks will suffer the same kind of sustained effort this time around unless there is an outside hook that the GQP can push to the Press. So, while there are some Senate procedures that can used to slow down nominees, expect them to be more or less approved in the end.

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I have read that, in a source that did not have an axe to grind, but I have no idea why on earth there would be any reason to water it down for bears.

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Not every jurisdiction and sometimes not every felony.

D.C. has a list of which felonies are starting points for a felony murder charge. Riot and sedition aren't on the list. Attempted kidnapping is and that might fit.

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