Ok. That one is weird.

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Cop killers do not always have the best of luck in jail. Especially if they have mental issues and the local police are worried he may be acquitted for mental deficiency.

I do not like it any more than I like racist cops. But cop killers, they often have VERY bad accidents before they even see a judge.

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Had Mr. Greene been Mr. Black he would now be in the custody of Mr. Coroner.

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Where were the good guys with guns?

I keep hearing about them, but they never seem to get anything done during crunch time.

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o/ She will be arraigned Tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow She'll perp walk /o

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Or an entire political party?

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Hmph. So... Wait... If _I've_ been kinda angsty and antisocial of late, but wouldn't be caught dead flying a confederate flag, and tend to wind up swearing loudly at them within minutes of anyone within a mile of the alt-right opening their mouth, _I_ can't use 'troubled loner'? I have to choose _another_ label or somethin'?

Dammit. I kinda _liked_ 'troubled loner'. Had this nice overtone, I always thought... These idiots with guns just ruin _everything_.

Fine, tho'. Fine! Umm... How 'bout 'disturbed recluse'...


'Haunted hermit'?

(Geez. No.)

Listen. I'll have to get back to you on this.

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Will be interesting to see if the Fibbers find some pretext to get involved.

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Applies nicely to most Trump speeches.

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Agents are “scouring” social media pages purportedly connected to Greene, including a Facebook page that includes “friends” who are Iraqi, Nigerian or Saudi nationals.

His right-wing/white supremacist "friends" are, of course, not the least bit suspect.

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Judging from the e-mails I get from Nigeria, I'm probably a suspect. I do hope we can get that poor stranded astronaut down.

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Pretty much all mass killers show precursory violence first. So here's my suggestion. No registries. You can buy all the guns'n'ammo you want. BUT, any act of violence, however trivial, and you lose your right to own firearms forever. We punch a hole in your ID. No background check. If you have a hole in your ID, you don't get to put holes in anything else. Any violent crime, of course, domestic violence, animal abuse, road rage, vandalism, aggression, or intimidation. Drunk and disorderly - if you can't hold your booze, you can't hold a gun. And those acts are grounds for a search warrant to search your home and other premises and confiscate all firearms. Somebody replied once that not everyone has that much self control. On the contrary, almost everyone I know does. If you don't have the self-control to avoid violence, you don't have the self control to own a gun.

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Spent several summers in Canada. Canada is a nice, non-violent country but I heard that cop-killers rarely get a chance to surrender.

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Does white Greene have a relative in Canada named Red Green?

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