I just want one of those special press conferences with a lot of passive voice and side-eye.

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Frankly, I'm sceptical about fetal alcohol syndrome, because if it were as bad as all of that the entire population of Ireland would be born drooling morons.

... oh. Never mind.

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The Marlboro Man?

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How outrageous! How the hell did something like that happen? A married man EFing another woman. So unique in this world of man EFing man or woman EFing another woman. What a scandal.

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Piss off back to Dead Breitbart's Home for the Perpetually Butthurt. You do snark very badly.

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I am pretty sure the golf/mistress remark was aimed at Obama and Hillary.

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... I heard he's such a boring fuck, even his hand falls asleep halfway through. I read it on the internets, so it must be true.

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... if that "Don't fuck crazy" guideline is to be adhered to, nobody in the Trump Admin will ever get laid.

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Also, too, the women wouldn't need to find that face sexy. You can't even see it when you're sitting on it.

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And being rank amateurs, they didn't even have the wherewithal to deflect by screaming, "Chappaquiddick!"

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If the media was smart (I'll wait while everyone gets done laughing), they would have one reporter assigned to investigating everything about the administration except the one thing that everyone's talking about. You know that guy would uncover some serious shit.

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Nah. Chelsea hasn't yet held any public offices. Only Republicans vote for completely unqualified candidates with absolutely no experience whatsoever.

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They seem to be fine with pussy-grabbin', adulturous sexual assault, also, too.

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So, is what happened in Vegas now a miracle babby person in AJ Delgado's belleh? Just asking questions.

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Don't forget "free market", "personal responsibility", "small government".....

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