What terrifies me is that in cases of gun attacks there is usually a crowd around. The shooting recently in a Texas church did have a man who was trained in firearms and he hit the shooter without hitting anyone in the crowd. This guy had intensive training. I doubt that many gun owners could do it.

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Well, we are in the Ununited States.

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Exactly. If "an armed society is a polite society" (as the gun nuts love to trumpet) why is pretty much every gun nut I've ever encountered such a colossal fucking asshole?

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Blacks and women are two of the fastest growing groups of concealed handgun permit holders. Since 2012, the rate of growth for women permit holders is 101% faster than for men and the rate of growth for blacks is 20% faster than for whites. In Texas, which as the data broken down simultaneously by both race and gender, black women are the fastest growing group of permit holders. See the data here.https://crimeresearch.org/2...

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Hey, we had candy cigarettes at one time. They didn't taste all that great, but I only ate them to look cool.

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Try it on layers of air bag. That's what they're made of.

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Whatever today's youth are called, Gen Gs or Post Millenials, I feel sorry for them in their dating lives.

Imagine necking (is that still a thing?) and coming across a well packed pistol as you try to slide into second base. That's not an underwire son or a clasp.

The mental confusion of coming face to face with your own penis replacement before you could show off your own shiny shooter would be devastating and possibly deadly. And the dude has like a small arsenal everywhere including where it counts, so its more precarious than ever.

Nothing says 'can't touch this' like a firearm.

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I'm completely down with women arming themselves as long as they get training and range time. Perhaps you would prefer that they be raped and/or murdered for the 15 minutes that it takes cops to arrive (on average). I would not.

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North Korea certainly does.

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As dumbass cops prove at least once a year in front of their astonished fellow cops.Also, every deer rifle can defeat any Kevlar armor ever made.

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I remember that wack reasoning that said that a bunch of rice farmers with 40 year old carbines could defeat the US Army.

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Mine says Black Guns Matter, the name of a Philly based organization that helps African Americans get licensed as gun dealers since very few White dealers there will sell to African-Americans. Now expanded far beyond Philly.

And you thought you knew what those shirts were about.

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So they now make guns in pink?

(That's mostly sarcasm except that I bet they've done that for years, combining guns with gender condescension.)

Anyway, does this mean that only a good woman with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun?

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I've never smoked, but surely the candy cigarettes tasted better than the real thing. And didn't leave your clothes smelling of stale smoke.

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I'm not sure why you're using future tense for that comment.

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