"But let’s be clear: Gun slung over a shoulder or stacked on the seat next to you at a fast food joint: not threatening. " I beg to differ. I have no idea what kind of person is the one sitting next to me in a fast food joint. In general, I think most people that eat at fast food joints are a little off.

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I put "I am willing to die for your rights" into Google Translate and it suggested a meaning from Archaic Wyngnothic of "I am willing to sacrifice your children for my hobbies."

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Have you got a concealed-carry license for that thing?

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Is that a conflict of interest with the Christmas story and you will shoot your eye out

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You know what? You raise a valid point. It is time to resurrect the name "pigs" for the cops.

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"Impotent" is just being cruel. Their peens work!

They're just teensy, tiny, wee widdle vienna sausages.

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Hiding behind the women.

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May I suggest Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

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No. That's all the excuse they need to shoot him.

"He was standing there like a thug, or maybe a demon spouting some god hating stuff about Pluto not being a planet. Then he reached for his pants. Now, he could have bee trying to adjust his drawers but could have been reaching for a gun. You can't take a chance with monsters like this so I executed my Stand Your Ground rights and shot him. My town's prosecutor even said that while this is tragic, we're good."

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Evidently all I have is a nightmare, and I can't wake up.

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If Tamir Rice and John Crawford had only thought to be white before picking that (toy) gun up, a lot of misunderstanding would have been prevented.

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I feel awful about what happened to that poor 12-year old boy. But maybe it does point the way for a strategy to deal with the adult open-carriers.

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So no toy guns, Skittles, iced tea, cigarellos, loud music, or sidewalks. In fact, it might be best if every person who has a contrast level above "John Boehner" walk everywhere with their hands away from their body, palms facing outward. Y'know, safety first.

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<i>must be a sociopathic demon out for carnage </i>

And how is this wrong exactly? By word and deed, all the OC gun loons have proven time and again that they're just champing at the bit for any reason to shoot someone.

Care to try again?

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Color me blind. Like Justice. And her sword, which of course it is her right to carry openly.

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white* Easy typo to make.

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