Dear Santa,For Christmas this year, please give me a USofA that does not include Texas, also a pony.

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There was an armed bystander at the Arizona shooting that involved Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. He came out of a store at the plaza ready to fire his concealed-carry weapon but was confused by what he saw and didn't fire right away. Which was a good thing because he readily admits he would have shot, not the killer, but the man who actually disarmed the killer and was holding his weapon.http://www.slate.com/articl...

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Ah Hawlll!!!!!!! (as we said in Texas). These bozos want to BE Charles Whitman.

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That hot stud with the raging case of cirrhosis is really getting to me.

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Could be that this is what finally drove her to pack up her things and leave.

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Upfist for "derivative".

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No fair making fun of the intellectually impaired!

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GAH. I can't even begin to express my anger over this ridiculous excuse for attention >:( Or manage to fathom the level of foolishness, denial and narcissism required to think that staging a "fake mass shooting" on a *college campus* would be a good idea that would have ANY kind of positive effect. (Especially one with the history that U_T does.) I'm a college instructor, and the thought of how that could negatively impact the students who don't realize it's not real...Thank goodness U_T is keeping them away. (smfh)

Also: they may think they're smart and righteous in their cause; but if they "stage" this elsewhere and someone comes along who doesn't realize it's "fake" and starts shooting, some of 'em are liable to end up killed by exactly the kind of "hero" they're trying to promote.

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"“It’s a fake mass shooting, and we’ll use fake blood,” he said. He said gun noises will be blared from bullhorns. Other people will then play the role of rescuers, also armed with cardboard weapons." And then our mommies are going to pick us up and take us all out for icecream!Somewhere, a playground is missing it's third graders.

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Not fair...but fun. Lots and lots of fun!

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No. "Pew! Pew!" is for lasers. "Bang! Bang!" is for guns.

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What? And move out of mom's basement?

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Intersecting Boulevard Highway?

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a handful of unhinged agitators invade the most liberal campus in the state and you want to punish tens of millions of people? how about you get out

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We need more political songs.

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This performance seems like it would do better at a school that represents a slower track.

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