The only way to stop a bullet from a guy with a gun is with . . . well, pretty much anybody (or any body) that gets in the way.

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Good thing they do. It's generally unwise to open carry your intellect in Georgia.

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Sigh... I don't think I can take much more... (hangs head in shame) It's bad enough that Florida is my home state but I made Georgia my home 17 years ago. I'll just be over in the corner curled up in a ball if anyone needs me.

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It's really quite lovely here (except when the whole thing shuts down because GLOBAL WARMING LIES!!!1!) so I propose we simply ship the nutjobs to the Tejas FEMA camps.

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The sale of alcohol on Sunday was illegal just a few years ago so to get around it bars were required to sell food in order to be open on Sunday. The overwhelming majority of our bars are also restaurants and many are "family restaurants" because 'Merica family values... Patrons with offspring, alcohol & guns. I see nothing wrong with this picture. (still hanging head in shame)

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According to Jerry "No Gheys Allowed" Boykin of the FRC the AR 15 is the biblical choice because Jesus told him so and CONSTITUTION!!!1!:

"Now I want you to think about this: where did the Second Amendment come from? ... From the Founding Fathers, it's in the Constitution. Well, yeah, I know that. But where did the whole concept come from? It came from Jesus when he said to his disciples 'now, if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." <a href="http://www.rightwingwatch.o..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/boykin-when...">http://www.rightwingwatch.o...

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Oooh ooohh oooh! (raises hand and waves) Pick me, pick me!

I nominate Paul Broun, MD (master dick) to be the first, then Tom Price, MD (major dick).

With votes, of course.

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Rawr! Hiss, hiss, pfft, pfft, pfft! Some of us are armed with claws, ya know.

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TSA keeping the gun would be a fun thing. Send the cracker home without his penis.

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What !!? Why fucking have TSA screen people at all ? Other than to take away your meat products when you come back into the U.S. ?

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But the shooters probably won't get prosecuted, will they ? It was that old lady's fault she didn't take get out of the way. Fuck these people. Until it happens to them or their loved ones they just don't give a shit about the consequences.

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Could someone please explain, in no uncertain terms (or big words either) to these fuck-knuckles that life is not a Die Hard movie and just because they have male pattern baldness and a gun, they are not John McClane. It will probably be necessary to further explain the concept of acting and movies are not reality shows. Also that Bruce Willis hates them, just for spite.

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It's okay. I live in Kentucky; I feel your pain. Where's your corner? I'll curl up with ya.

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I'm sad that penile inadequacy is so rampant in states like Georgia.

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Hey, let's all go storming into a George congresscritter's office waving guns around!

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And that will never change!

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