Trump became president.........declining sales........and bankruptcies.Aren't the MAGAplorables just sooooo glad they have a bid-nizz-man as preznit?.

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No, as long as they have 10 yachts. Only peasants have 9 yachts.

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It just gets worse in high school. They'll have to provide Fjallraven Kanken bulletproof vests.

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It's too bad there isn't a "harrowingly sad" option in Twitter and Disqus.

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Why do I get the feeling that at least some of the $billion is going to be funneled to whatever Erik Prince's latest venture is?

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Strangely, she exemplifies one of the scariest aspects of the nanny state-- a smiling lady who's got 'your best interests at heart' and couldn't find her ass with a simple-English instruction book. Few in number, let me hasten to add, and not all female. Certainly not all liberal!Sort of a new Big Nurse for the new millennium. She's got that necessary undertone of malevolence.

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So half the population goes to Private For-Profit Schools the other half to Private For-Profit Prisons. Sounds like a Libertarian utopia.

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I think William F. Buckley made that argument out loud at some point. But he meant everybody who was not in his "class".

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That is the most ridiculous picture I have ever seen. What is Nn about? Peanuts are legumes, not nuts.

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And as Wonkette pointed out a while ago, the only way Sessions could've warned Trump that he'd recuse himself would be if he knew or suspected there'd be an investigation beforehand.

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As Bruce Cockburn said, the trouble with normal is it always gets worse.

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And Dana Plato isn't available.

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This is Boris Badenov erasure!

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No worries, give Betsy a week and she'll come up with something even dumber.

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All of our troubles can be traced back to teaching the general public to read. Especially Those People. /sarcasm

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