Branch COVID-ians


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Phew! Super interesting, thanks. I remember when Franco died and his fascist state ended. Much to my surprise as a kid, I hadn’t know there were still fascist countries in Europe.

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You make a good point, but they figure their men will beat them into voting for him.

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I was in Spain in 1976. Franco was recently dead but in the big cities the police still patrolled in stiff gray uniforms and submachine guns. I privately nicknamed them the "Confederates" but learned that the locals called them the "Gristapo"

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Yeah my congressman got busted on tape bullying a pregnant mistress into getting an abortion. One of two that we know for a fact he's paid for. ABortions that is. The count on mistresses is 6, affairs ranging from inappropriate (co-workers) to illegal (patients). He's also accused of having written oxycodone scripts to a patient in exchange for sex. This is a teabagger elected on a prolife ticket. But you know, all that stuff was in the past. He's found Jesus and Jesus forgives him so it's all good, and he can take away women's rights without it being rank hypocrisy. This would be Scott Desjarlais, R-TN. He's a gem.

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My guess was Spain, but that's as far as I got! I would have guessed it a lot longer ago than 81.

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What did I just see? OMG.

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Oh no shit. They're all stockpiling Spam and ammunition in their bunkers and lusting for some kind of societal breakdown to weed out the weak. Then they fall all to pieces because hair salons and Starbucks are shut down?

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all of this terrorist legislature-intimidation is so much little-dick energy I can't stand it

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That little gathering looks like what grenades are made for.

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Fuck that shit. These creeps are irresponsible gun owners whose weapons need to be confiscated because they are unfit owners.

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Whoa, super interesting! 😳

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Well, at least in germany i suppose we will let the healthcare workers stay. On account of how we were missing like 40.000 nurses to fill all open positions even before this crisis, in the western country with the highest patients per nurse ratio, and were already using immigrants to fill the gap before like every other damn nurse shortage before. Because most white german kids aren't all that willing to take care of that many patients for this pay. That doesn't mean we aren't racist tho, it just means we really fucked up pre covid-19. :) The bickering about money for a crisis bonus for nurses doesn't help the case. Or how our worker protections have been eradicated for the crisis (healthcare only).

Food processing oth is done mostly by immigrants too, and farms rely on east european seasonal workers. Who are packed tightly in cramped buildings and have hardly any chance of proper social distancing, who are pressured to come anyway cause they need the money, despite the risk, and are getting infected at a high rate, in contrast to the native population (for now, i expect our infections to go up again). And we accept this, because we want cheap food and having that matters more than their lives.

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Appropriate that it's a Russian one.

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This is why I was really hoping Obama was going to stomp on the Malheur bunch. (Which was, truly, malheureux.) Of course, the same cohort would have lost their shit if he had, so I apprehend the Catch-22 there.

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Here are two of their girl friends. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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