Being “a Zionist“ is now reason somebody shouldn’t get a job? Right up there with discrimination or sexual-harassment? Fuck off.

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Wow, southern CA game show producer turns out to be scummy and gross??!? How is that even possible?

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I might be the only regular Jeopardy fan who thinks this but I found all the guest hosts equally good at it. I remember when Alex was hosting I figured the job was harder than it looks--and it probably is--you have to be able to ask the questions clearly, quickly, and without mispronouncing any words or accidentally giving away the answer, and of course don't be obnoxious towards the contestants if they get it wrong (while trying to be funny, e.g.). But I found all the guest hosts did that well, to the point that I didn't have any opinion on who should host--seems many people can meet the bare minimum standards of the job, and notably none of them needed an episode or two to get their bearings.

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Yeah--seemed there was an uproar before that podcast stuff came out. After weeks of seeing various celebrities do it, finding out that it would go to a producer no one knew seemed a bit too insider.

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FTR, EVERYONE tapes 5 shows in one day. That’s the schedule: 5 shows (one week’s worth) a day, two tape days back-to-back (usually Tuesdays and Wednesdays), then a week off. Also, too, they did cram in a bunch of hosts with one-week tenures at the end, not just Burton (including, thankfully, Joe Buck).

That 5 games per day is grueling when you’re playing, believe me, but you’re having a lot of fun doing it. I speak from experience here.

Truth be told, LeVar Burton was NOT a good host during his (admittedly short) tenure. The job of the host is to keep the game flowing, and Burton’s pauses waiting for judgments on answers that weren’t EXACTLY what was written on his sheets was maddening. For a contestant, that’s deadly, because part of the game is the momentum and confidence you build as the game progresses.

Yes, he was better on Thursday and Friday (those are taped after lunch…I expect he got some advice during the break), and yes, he could become a good host given time. But if you compare his week with the FIRST weeks of everyone else, a group rose to the top, a group hovered in the middle, and two hosts were clearly awful (looking at you, Joe Buck and Dr. Oz).

Looking at it objectively as someone who has gone through the experience myself, it was clear that the best hosting was done by David Faber (!), Buzzy Cohen, and Mayim Bialik. Robin Roberts, too, was strong, as were Anderson Cooper and Ken Jennings. Most of the rest were forgettable, and Buck and Oz….well….oof.

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Adam and Eve?

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It should not be that hard to find someone who is nice and not a predator or a predator-apologist to host "Jeopardy." Surely, Sony can figure this out.

Apparently they can't. And stop calling me Shirley.

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Play 'im out, Alfred.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Well, actually, yes. Zionists are modern day colonialists. They are dead set on eradicating Palestine and Palestinians thought genocide & apartheid. Anyone who supports this, philosophically, financially, materially, or otherwise, is fucking trash. She gives cash aid to the IDF, who regularly bomb apartment buildings, schools and hospitals. None of my Jewish friends or family members support the IDF or Zionist expansion.

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I just watched on YouTube a whole bunch of Alex's first episodes. He was past the robotic stage and into a manic whacked out on cocaine stage, talking a mile a minute and almost impossible to understand. My heart rate started to go up after the 2nd episode, I'm not kidding! It was mental!

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Yeah, too American Psycho

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I'd love to see Keith Richards host a game show!

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First, I didn't know that about Mayim Bialik. I had genuine, actual hope she was a good person. This news makes me sad.

Second, Richards definitely rigged the auditions as producer. He knew damn well that there was no way he'd be a fan favorite for replacement host, so he rigged the game. Surprise, surprise.

I'm hoping public pressure mounts even more and LeVar Burton gets called up because quite frankly he deserves it. The man is a goddamn national treasure, even if all you know him for is Reading Rainbow and Star Trek. Personally, I love the sound of his voice. I'd watch Jeopardy again if he was hosting.

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None in my circle. For that matter, most of us have never worn a bikini period. DH had that speedo in varsity swimming, and that's about as close as we get.

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Anson Mount has a podcast? Neat!

I knew nothing of him until he was reported as joining Discovery, and then I looked at him in costume. He seriously looks a lot like the original Christopher Pike, Jeffrey Hunter.

Really looking forward to Strange New Worlds.

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Others are talking about the great divide between fans of LeVar Burton as Geordi LaForge and fans of him on Reading Rainbow. A lot of that divide has to do with age, but I was lucky in that I was raised on Star Trek AND Reading Rainbow.

My dad was a huge fan of Star Trek, and we always watched The Next Generation together. And I, being a very young'un, watched Reading Rainbow religiously.

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