Would upvote if my upvoter worked.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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Be Happy that this Piece of Used Toilet Paper doesn't do anything before 1:30 P.M. Just imagine the damage He would do if He started work at 6 or 7 in the morning like the Democratic Presidents have ALL done.

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That needs to be told to the rank and file Democrats. The Idiots who are the supposed to be Leaders of the Democratic Party are as big of Idiots as the Republicans.

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because we did not implement Medicaid expansion in TX, this is our Medicaid breakdown based on the most recently available info (Nov. 2016 monthly report:

77.1% were under 19 (including foster children)9.1% were seniors.10.3% were blind or disabled3.4% were pregnant

that leaves 0.1% as not-pregnant adults. if we follow the national trend of 60% having jobs, how many can be assumed to be individuals who aged out of foster care (19-25 year olds who age out of foster care are still eligible for Medicaid if they are in school or working), others seeking education or being treated for a temporary condition? and if we save money for Medicaid by denying the few hundred to a thousand recipients access, how much will our UC costs for hospitals go up over what we saved?

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A Lone Ranger on the subTrying to make his way home...

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welcome to wally mart-the forms in front of you will let you apply for medical assistance during your employment here-now let's begin........

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Yeah, great way to shrink government and keep it out of our lives Republican meatheads. Every election they run on getting the government out of our lives and the entire time in between elections they spend making government bigger and more intrusive.

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Yeah, I've been putting off sending an Email to a financial advisor (wow, that's the whitest thing anyone has ever said...) for like 2 weeks now.

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Hang in there. Keep fighting. We both deserve better lives.

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😡😡😡😡😡 Those assholes! Oh they’ll live long enough to get cripple though, we can depend on that.

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Anyone else increasingly feel like we're living in Pre-Revolutionary France? Just me?

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Care to guess how many full-time jobs I, as the single (divorced) mother of three with a B.A., worked that offered ZERO health insurance (ironically, many were in the healthcare "industry")? And at what young ages my kids became "latchkey kids" because I couldn't afford to work AND pay childcare? All while my ex-husband went on to enjoy exponentially greater benefits and pay while leaving me with the bulk of the responsibilities associated with child-rearing. . . I love(d) my children more than anything AND being their sole provider crippled me financially, ransacking my potential in every sense of the word. . . to the point that it still affects me today. Fuck these fucking guys.

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So, are these new octogenarian coal miners gonna be known as COLDS?

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I really don’t want to be THAT Canadian who says your social programs suck. But. To get on what I call “yank disability“ which I guess is SSI you have to get a lawyer. You have to go to court. You have to have all kinds of medical documentation like you were suing somebody for having say injured you. In Ontario your doctor just writes a letter. (There’s actually a form they fill-in but they just do it themselves. They don’t have to put like x-rays and shit on it.) And then it goes to a committee of other doctors and they look at it and say yay or nay. And that’s it. I didn’t have to spend one dime to get approved for disability. My point being there’s all kinds of people in the US who are just as disabled as me but who can’t qualify for SSI because SSI super fucked up. So those are some of the people who this crazy Medi-thing (I can’t remember the names of your different programs, sorry) are going to hit.

And in disability stuff there’s always the super sacred mindfuck of if you can do something like sit at a desk and do office work, for one hour, they pretend that you can therefore do it for 40 hours a week. Time doesn’t exist when your degree of disability is being assessed. Also the commercial insurance companies have invented all these crazy techniques, involving private investigators, to try to screw over disabled clients. You have the insurance. You get disabled. The insurance company spends zillions of resources to try to “prove“ that you’re not. Or not disabled “enough“ to be unable to work at a regular job. So that mentality is out there infesting the heads of the venomous bastards in red states. Fun times.

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"It says here you are gonna die sooner without a job, so we're just helping you along! YOU'RE WELCOME!"

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