Oh, that's a subset market for that, just like everything else.

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....starting too late in actual time and having to read the whole thing as a flashback.

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And it takes some effort to mess it up! It takes real ineptitude.

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When, ever, have groups like this or Republicans in general ever responded in kind to such courtesy? Obama tried to treat them with respect and he was abused and ridiculed at every turn. The decision by the parade committee doesn't have to be nasty, a politely worded statement about shared values should be enough. Groups that share Trump's values don't share ours.Would an NRA meeting allow speakers from anti-gun organizations? No, they would not. Republicans do not respect what they see as weakness. They never will.

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The Nation doesn't have anything to do with Sharia law since the aren't Sunni or Shia Muslims. They would get kicked out of a Starnes parade for being the wrong color.

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"And don't forget that immigrants, POCs, and Muslims are all part of the LGBTQ community too."Somehow, people always do forget that.

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Not a chance, bucko. You are no lefty, not by a mile. Giving people a platform upon which to spew against your best interests is not inclusion, it is suicide. This is not even close to rejecting your precious "intellectual inclusiveness" - which by the way is a phrase almost exclusively the domain of the right-wing bullshit factory - it is a simple realization that a political organization has no obligation to include those who would dismantle it.

Until the right gives up its efforts to disenfranchise huge parts of the population because of skin color, or their choice of fuck-buddies or imaginary friends, they have no place at our table. And neither do you.

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I don't care whether the right or left uses the phrase more, both are pretty guilty, but I'm calling you out on being an intellectual exclusive.OK, fine maybe a private organization doesn't have to include but I'm in favor of some dialogue and if you think that some sort of silencing of them will make them come around to all the finer details of your way of thinking, you're deluded. If you want to group all people who support the right as enemies of progress or specifically having the antigay anti poc qualities you mention, that's not that.much different then the with us or against us mentality that's currently occupying the white house. I will add the caveat that I do think that anyone supporting Trump post-Comey testimony is doing damage to the country. I said I'm torn but if you're automatically saying I'm against the left for thinking these people should get a voice, fuck you too

Not that you get to define me, but yes I'm left, I spend tons of time trying to convince ppl not to support the current administration, calling republican senators to tell them they suck, voting for democrats, calling ppl out for being anti gay or anti environment or anti labor. But just because you are on the right side of history like me doesn't mean you're not an asshole and I approve of you. Sorry if that's harsh.

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Sounds like some nutjobs that went to the James O`Quuef School of Undercover Shenanigans.

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the GFDT wingnuts are actively working against gay rights, so the pride not wanting them anywhere near the parade is not at all strange.

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We won`t let you be a part of the left until you learn the difference between your and you`re, and when to use which. Until such a time, stay safe snowflake.

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that is way disturbing.

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I'm assuming all the pee jokes have been made already? This is what I get for sitting by the lake all day!

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I think he's just offended that no gays want HIS bod!

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Hey Todd! You doth protest too bigly!

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can't be. first of all, ChrisTS used the correct form of the adjective indicating that the situation caused him to feel nausea whereas Mr Comey being nauseous means he was the stimulus which caused us to be nauseated (by his throwing the election to Dumpster.)

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