And yet, for some reason I find el Jefe spittin' jive to be infinitely less upsetting than the entire GOP whistling Dixie.

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Keep him in your pants, Rich. GROSS

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"He’s smart without being wise. He’s glib without being eloquent. He’s a celebrity without being interesting. He’s callow."

Why does this sound more like "Things Rich Lowry Overheard People Saying About Rich Lowry" than anything that applies to Obama?

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That, and using words to inspire 62 million Americans to vote for a black guy. But whatevs, Rich.

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He was talkin' to <i>you</i>, dickwad.

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It's clear that he was not thinking with his "big" brain when he foisted Princess Dumbass of the North Woods on us. So frankly, I have no inclination as to what he's "thinking" now.

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The phrase "how about a nice hot cup of STFU" was made for Rich Lowry.

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