The last armed force that entered my home state to destroy free speech, association, and republican government? The last armed force to forcibly direct mock elections and impose an unwanted constitution? The only one to do any of these things since the Treaty of Ghent?

The United States Army.

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I thought the last invasion of Maryland was headed by Jubal Early.

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They entered, but they didn't try to accomplish any of the things I mentioned. They mostly just scavenged and skirmished with the federals before being forced out by the already-present occupation troops. That's not to suggest that Maryland was interested in what the CS Army was selling...

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if only he would concentrate on the karaoke bars

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I have been operating under the assumption that BSFD had an exclusive exception to the no-skull-fucking references rule.

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Its just that demon life has got you in it's sway

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Geeze, do these Breit-people just cry themselves to sleep every night? And then urinate in the bed 'cause they're so askered of ... well, ... other folks?

Oh wait. I just noticed. "Murphy" and "Boyle" ... sounds like something out of <i>Miller's Crossing</i>.

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How many troops had to bleed and die for you to write this?

My guess is: not enough.

Let's invade the Breitbart Interweb Resource Center for Skullduggery.

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Well.. Some of the troops, I suppose.

The lady troops. OK, some of the lady troops. But it would have to be consensual.

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Also: how can you disparage the heroism of a soldier who sorted mail in Georgia for 3 1/2 years to SAVE YOUR FREEDUMB?!??!

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I kinda love such an effective trolling of the not-too-Brightbart zombies. Bravo!

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If you can't convince the troops of that "kill 'em over there so you don't have to kill them over here" logic, they might take a good long look at what they're really fighting for. Then they will be PISSED.

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Dead Breitbart is a demon-bottom, also too

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Dead Breitbart’s home for wayward goat molesters should cheer up. It turns out that chronic diaper rash is covered by Obamacare. Soothing ointment is on the way- now if only they can keep the commenters from eating it like paste...

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those internet tough guys are too busy wagging their tiny little peckers at Murphy (and Obama of course because this is his fault) to bother us too much, though I'd still caution against venturing over there unless your shots are up to date and you brought a hazmat suit with you to work today

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