That was fantastic. Yoiu know what god LOVES? he loves having greasy soul hucksters telling people who God loves.

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Well, how could He help Himself?

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What's patently ridiculous about all these "prophets" is that if their God were (note subjunctive mood) really an all-powerful god, he'd just make the douchebag win, instead of whispering sweet bullshit in the ears of RWNJs, so they wouldn't have to come up with all these rationalizations. But what do I know?

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We probably should remember that there is not one shred of logic in any of the "prophets" trains of thought.

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Well you definitely know how to throw down the subjunctive. I like that Joan Osborne song but every time she sings "What if God was one of us?" I wince.

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Perhaps his prophetic gifts are of poker-machine grade. Then he could make a modest-- but honest-- living pulling on the lever, and not having to explain himself to disappointed fundigelicals,

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Yeah, I've been amazed at this whole argument that prophecy doesn't mean being able to predict the future. I mean, that's literally the definition of prophecy. It's like saying accountancy doesn't mean that you can balance books, or being a veterinarian doesn't mean that you can doctor sick animals. Hurts my brain.

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God , always missing deadlines, really needs to work on time management

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Gee, and here I thought gawd and jeebus loved everybody....

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Is that a real profit, or is that a false profit?

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No enchanters? Not even –


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"Seven! Seven things! God hates fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency…"

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Nan? Nan?

Oh, Nan…

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Oh, boy...they're as bad as Q-Anon, or worse, even. ONE WOULD THINK that the fact that they haven't all been instantly Hoovered To Heaven would influence their views, but I suspect that, much like their Q-Anon brethren, they'll keep moving the goalposts until said goalposts' backsides touch.

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We have one of these guys (election-reality-denying pastor) in the far-northern suburban Dallas. Pastor Brandon Burden said "prophetic voices" told him T***p would win and his congregants should "keep their guns loaded". When people called him out on his seditionist BS, he starts whining that's he's being "cancel cultured". He, of course, hasn't been cancelled from anything. https://www.dallasnews.com/...

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My parents both went to college there. In Idaho, it's pronounced Moss-coe. I was always told that the cows live in Russia!

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