"Its no longer undercover propaganda but straight up overt misleading of the masses..."

Yeah, that about sums up James O'Keefe. Otherwise, you're full of shit.

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I always hate when I fail everything 101.

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All he gotta do is act yatchurally.

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Dead Breitbart is certainly still advancing the cause of journalism as well as he did when he was alive.

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I'm glad that I'm not the only one that had to google Saul Alinsky. I always considered Williams a pretty boy with absolutely no substance.

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James: I got the perfect project for you. You go to the MIddle East, hide yourself in Ay-rab garb and you interview members of Isis talking about their BFF, Barack *blessed be his name* Hussein Obama. It'll be a pretty tough assignment, so please keep your head about you.

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He's got the long lost video of OReilly in Argentina on assignment. He better keep a look out for FOX security.

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Wait— if I had called it "psychopharmacology" I could've gotten credit for it?? Damn.

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Don't bogart that class, my friend....pass it over to me.

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I would think that the fire from Freddie's Fashion Mart would have provided enough energy to warm Tawana Brawley's house for eternity and been able to cremate Alton Maddox. Not to mention the $4.5 mil that Al owes the gov't. That ought to buy some heating oil, don't you think?

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And it shall be known as Derpnobyl.

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Coincidentally, I am currently working on a groundbreaking investigative-journalism video exposé in which, using a small camera hidden in a mocha non-fat latte, I film white people admitting that they don't really care that much for Garrison Keillor.

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Ugh. I know it's photoshopped, but some things you can un-see...

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Excellent summation and furthermore, few of us are aware of the Frankfurt school conspiracy and those of us who are couldn't care less. Also, Woodrow Wilson is nearly as vilified on the left as he is the right (only we don't like him because he was a racist asshole, something wingnuts count in his favor). I just thought I'd add a little more while not stealing your thunder.

Stupid inbred fucksticks....retards. There, I can say it again!

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Until the reichsving started going off about him I had no idea who Saul Alinsky even was so hilariously it's like the Streisand effect. Besides, I'm sure wingnuts use Alinsky stuff the way they 'borrow' from Vladimir Lennon...

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