Why all this hating on "Mosk?" In my experience Cher movies just quietly go away.

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No, you're thinking of the tip rail.

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"Poking your eyes out with sharpened sticks carved out of dog poop is a terrible, terrible danger to our collective American-quality goodness*, and this Administration will do everything in its power to stop this menace."

*bonus points for using some awkward phrasing that a devout paranoid Becktard could imagine as a call toward socialism or something. Witness an epidemic of emergency rooms filled with shit-blind morons, now with literal shit, literally blinding them. BEST NEW YEAR EVER!

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Maybe <i>he</i> is the replacement for someone far worse who was indeed suffocated at birth. Careful what you wish for.

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Those don't represent punctuation ~(-:

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"she ain't gonna have not nothing to do with him no more."

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Yes, but not for long.

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I blame all our country's problems on the Facial Book and the Titter.

Now all you kids get off my lawn!!!! And get a hair cut, dammit.

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wait til they find out what celine dion thinks about o'bama's birth certificate.

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1. Believes in jealous, all-powerful sky-god Nobodaddy who cannot countenance other deities; ...<i> who It presumably understands aren't real, since It is the only one, but since when has that ever stopped a jealous person.....?</i>

I thought I would just carry your thought out a little further there....

If there was one thing that made no sense to me as a fundie youngun, it was why a real god would be jealous of all the fake gods. Sort of like being jealous of your boyfriend or girlfriend showing affection to a stuffed animal. Oh, and there was that whole "the words in the bible don't mean the same as when you see those same words in other books" problem. So I guess that makes two. Two things.

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On the one hand, lies and xenophobia. On the other, less Justin Bieber fans. Do the ends justify the means? Decisions, decisions...

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Wait, what was that bit at the end about Biggest Loser supporting muslims? Don't just drop that little "bomb" and then run away, Jack.

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The need to be outraged is strong in this bunch. Someone should tell them that anything deep fried is Muslim holy food and watch the fun.

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