I still find it scary that this fuckwad is preferred by 38% of the electorate. Anything over 15% should be cause for concern.
Maybe if they broke it down to "among respondents who know about Akin's idiotic statements", the results wouldn't be quite so horrifying. Maybe.
&ldquo;The fact that<strike> Claire McCaskill </strike><b>Todd Akin</b> is only polling at <strike>48% </strike><b> 38% </b>after 72 hours of constant negative attacks <strike>on Todd Akin shows just how weak she is</strike><b> shows how nuts Missouri voters are </b>.
This Akin brouhaha is good news for (r)Money.
Dick Morris said it is - so it must be true.
I still find it scary that this fuckwad is preferred by 38% of the electorate. Anything over 15% should be cause for concern.
Maybe if they broke it down to &quot;among respondents who know about Akin&#039;s idiotic statements&quot;, the results wouldn&#039;t be quite so horrifying. Maybe.
Was the infant in the ad the result of a legitimate rape?
&ldquo;The fact that<strike> Claire McCaskill </strike><b>Todd Akin</b> is only polling at <strike>48% </strike><b> 38% </b>after 72 hours of constant negative attacks <strike>on Todd Akin shows just how weak she is</strike><b> shows how nuts Missouri voters are </b>.
This guy needs a legitimate skull rapin&#039;.
It was not a forcible poll.