that's a relief. where can we read it?

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Okay, in all seriousness, there are actually TERABYTES of Ted Bundy fanfic online, most of which seems to be by women, like Bundy's Girls.

It is crazy making, but here you go:https://fanfiction.fandom.c...

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"Trumpy Dick"?! Feh. That doesn't look like a malformed mushroom at all.

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They even had a chance to vote to impeach prior to the 1/6 insurrection.

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To be fair, when trying to calculate which position will yield the greatest political gain, it's possible that events will actually move in a completely unforeseen direction.

Counterpoint: So just do the morally correct thing, you fuck!

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Then Stuart decried the Democratic opposition as mere partisanship for no good reason:

If true, then good. Republicans have been playing the game that way for decades. Time the Democrats caught up.

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Maybe the sea levels are In A Family Way. And coming from a good family, too, for shame!

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Oh, but they couldn’t. They need those horrors to win. And they know it.

They used to be able to keep them covered up, in the background, feeding them scraps of awful legislation now and then. Now the nutters are driving the bus, and want their due.

The old guard, like that fucking turtle, are finding themselves on the fringe, fighting the monster they created. They’re either going to have to put the beast down or become its creature. Either way loses an important part of their coalition. The MAGAts are too stupid to understand that. The turtle is not. He thinks he can put the shit back in the horse, and I’m going to love watching him try.

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The ultimate fail whale.

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Does Canada have a National Guard? Because I’ll bet tanks could move those things around with some effect.

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HAHAHA! My boss used to be a test flight engineer and one of the ways that they had to test the airplane toilets for functionality was to throw a bunch of cut up bananas.

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Ask him which arm. If when he shows up it's the correct arm, you should be all right.

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Oh, look up “poop knife.” It’s a thing on the interbutts. Reddit, I think.

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That's the 2nd one I've seen recently who looks like a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman from the 70's

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Which is the point of just about every Terry Pratchett novel!

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8 out of ten posts on wonk I vote funny. The other two I vote sad or mad. I highly value comedy in life, this brings great pleasure to me. Some of our greatest teachers in my lifetime have been the comedians. George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Richard Prior, Steve Martin, John Bulushi, Eddy Murphy, Bill Hicks . . . rhe list can go on and on. Any outlet that can make the fun funs of this insane future shock shit bird world I've grown old into takes a bit of the sting out of life. For this wonky goodness I thank you. High time I donate, again. For ever yours, the Superfluous Nip.(not a racial slur, a reference to my third nipple) ah jeez is this open thread?

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