Rather than the soiled knickers, I'd be moar worried about <a href="http:\/\/gawker.com\/sony-left-personal-data-for-millions-unprotected-1670962725" target="_blank">this</a>

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how many times can you rewrite an ending?

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This is very surprising to hear that studio executives, producers, and others in film are racist, sexist, backstabbing, and petty. THANKS OBAMA!

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Hackers want a brief Samuel Goldwyn--include me out.

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A Mississippi hooker?

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I'm conflicted. Should I have a fuck to give about this? I have some left over from the ones I didn't give about the butthurt cops, but on the other hand, I couldn't care less about Sony, Hollywood, or celebrities in general. Maybe I'll save them up for whatever else the rest of this week will be throwing at us.

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I really do miss those old Benetton ads...

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Hey, it takes a lot of minimal talent to shamble through 85+ minutes of film in sweat pants, a t-shirt, and baseball cap.

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Visiting George Zimmerman after he finally gets life in a Florida prison?

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