Every time you think Barry's going to have <a href="http:\/\/www.msnbc.msn.com\/id\/40687410\/ns\/politics-more_politics\/" target="_blank">trouble getting re-elected</a>, just look at the Republican frontrunners (i.e. Barbore, Paidlin, Gingrinch, Romneybot, Sanatorium, Applebee's, etc.). Not only will you get a good laugh, but you'll stop worrying so much too.

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so here's a thing:

i'm pretty sure after four to eight years of beautiful barry + family, me and maybe others (who vote with our hormones) will NEVER EVER EVER vote for that old fat white dude who looks like a pedaphile uncle.

not ever.

have the repubs put that into the calculations?

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That would, I believe, be Nipper. It doesn't count if I have to look it up.

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Somehow these occasional comments about how good Black folks had it back whenever would have a smidgeon more credibility if they were ever uttered by an actual ethnic individual. Somehow, it seems they just never are...

And weren't the White Citizens Council one of the groups ole Trent Lott cozzied up to?

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<i>“I just don’t remember it as being that bad,” he said.</i>

He then added, "But, of course, I was a white man, so I was less likely to notice discrimination since it wasn't, you know, directed at me."

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“I just don’t remember it as being that bad,”

And this tub of rancid lard wants to be our next president? Fuck me.

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Oh, that's right...the 1963 murder of Medgar Evers happened in the <i>other</i> Mississippi.

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If Barbour wants to be a True Conservative, he's gonna hafta start burning Q'urans like they (almost) do in Florida. And shooting Ayatollah Claus, like they do in Texas. And arresting people who look foreign (skin color), like they do in Arizona. Otherwise he's just another Tea Party Liberal.

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Haley isn't worthy to carry Boss's girdle.

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