If torture works -- like the Cheney and other wingers claim -- and if it's morally justified -- because it saves lives -- there is absolutely no reason not to use it. In fact, we shouldn't limit ourselves to waterboarding. Its results are sketchy at best. Let's torture a presumptive terrorist's <i>children</i> in front of him. That will work. And save lives. Your move, Liz Cheney.

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"Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney."

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Chait's final para: <i>This, too, is Washington consensus thought in its essence. The premise is that we need calm, bipartisan discourse, and the greatest impediment is people in either party saying mean things about each other. Thus they proceed straight from this assumption to the conclusion that any mean claim is false. This assumes out of existence the possibility that a plan to reduce entitlement spending might actually have dire real-world consequences that can be truthfully described. </i> His analysis of the original editorial that prompted Kessler's response is vintage Chait: <i>...the editorial adopts a version of Ryan's argument, namely: 1. Something must be done about Medicare 2. Ryan's plan is something 3. Ryan's plan must be done.</i>

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He already got a heart transplant. Wait until OBL's body washes ashore and it will all make sense, America.

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The Beltway crowd lurves them some suffering. It's not going to affect them and will be bracing for everyone else. Per <a href="http:\/\/www.tnr.com\/blog\/jonathan-chait\/88029\/mediscare-and-the-conventional-wisdom" target="_blank">Jon Chait</a>. No wonder outside-the-beltway types from both sides hate them so much. For more on our elites, see <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2011\/05\/09\/opinion\/09krugman.html\?_r=1&amp\;hp" target="_blank">Paul Krugman</a>.

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it's funny that the wingtards get more outraged about painting the toenails of little boys than they do about waterboarding.

funny in a bad way.

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Incredible! Obama is not keeping Dick in the loop so he can take over at a moment's notice? After all the nice things he had to say about him for the last 2 years? What a fucking ingrate.

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Clearly Cheney is not a results orientated person. He just like to torture. I hope he never had any pets.

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It was the Faux News Motherfuckers' Day Special.

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