Marsha Blackburn is a terrible person-shaped object.

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Same way I know it, I guess.

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He's not counterpunching. He's punching. Like the stupid, desperate bully he is.

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There was a literal spate of "Trump and the GOP are in an abusive relationship with the United States" articles in late 2015 and the beginning of 2016.

I think I wrote one of them.

Did people not see them ...?? I honestly don't understand how people -- it just feels like people are waking up and looking around and going "Did this just start??" when it's been going on the whole time.

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"This account punches back 10x harder,"

my wingnut to english translator says that this means baseless character assassination and lots of whining when called out.

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And punching down and wildly, with the backing of the DOJ and House and Senate GOP behind him

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Vigilance is a virtue, is a very voracious and vastly clear vestige of the vehement and clearly portends victory.

Remember remember the Vth of November.

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Don't tell me Trump has broken the law again?! This is becoming tedious. I presume it's his ignorance of the law-- and almost everything else-- but for normal people that hardly matters. Should Joe Blow do a Trump, the AG would be all over it. Trump, on the other hand, can break all the laws, and the AG thinks it's fine. [omitted here were descriptions of William Barr that while not subject to ban hammering were yet vile and disgusting -- the sort of thing that Trump would tweet-- and so were not reproduced]

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Like Roodles, the truth is what they say it is. At least in Russia.

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Just tell them he'd break the law as often as he lies but he's lazy and he lies constantly.

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Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely vile people like tiny paws.

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I would love to read your article. Can you put a link in the comments?

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that IS their playbook: all we have to do is look at what they accuse us or Soros of doing.

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No. It's run by real professionals. With the Internet Research Agency, in St. Petersburg. Not the one in Florida.

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Let's wait for the next Two Minutes Hate-Tweet to be sure... We love Big Orange Brother.

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Hey, lawless intimidation got him to where he is today. God help us.

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