I'm guessing many of those hungry adults are seniors, too ashamed to admit they need the help, and too infirm to get out and do something about it on their own.

A large number of people on food stamps are children and seniors. Also.

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True .... we wouldn't want Diebold to let it slip who's going to win, until afterwards.

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Mitt probably doesn't know anybody who eats rice and beans, but he has friends who own the farms and factories.

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This is the kind of aspiration for <i>other people</i> that Hannity et al. offer. Just try suggesting that HE so much as pay 30% in taxes, and it's a whole different story ... because that would trample on his god-given right to aspire to more millions than he has now.

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I hear that tree bark is almost as good as butter, once you get used to it.

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Yeah but with a quarter million nematodes in a bucket of dirt, what are the odds ... *punches calculator* ... oh.

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So, things are looking good for 2016 then. Assuming they allow an election.

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"What's the Matter with Kansas?" by Thomas Frank.

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there is nothing wrong with renting mark wahlberg movies.

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The soul killer is telling your kids sorry - that's all we have to eat.

The Richmond, California, high school football team used to lose many games in the fourth quarter. The coach figured out the kids simply were not eating well. They instituted a comprehensive food program and now the team is winning games.

That's just one example. How many kids don't get good grades because they are hungry, having trouble paying attention on a diet of cheap, not-very-healthy food?

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It's another taxpayer-subsided right wing thinktank LIE from The Heritage Foundation.

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Beans and rice for lunch, then rice and beans for dinner. It's called variety.

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I see plenty of road kill when I drive. The poorz are welcome to throw that into their pot of beans and rice. And weeds! People ate them during hard times and I see weeds every where!

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Sheer uh "Am i uh An Idiot?" uh InSannity is convinced the biggest problem in our nation is that 47% of the people don't pay taxes.

Of course, he never mentions that 50% of American corporations don't pay Federal income taxes, so he must be down with that.

He loves to rant about the "Democrat class warfare." This would be opposed to the Reublican class warfare, which is a bizarre twist on the old War on Poverty. It's flat out war on the poor.

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These ain't the Alpo Chuck Wagon days anymore. If the dog food doesn't list deboned chicken as the main ingredient, my dogs won't go near it.

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Tuesdays must be racist fuckface days on our Wonkette.

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