Man, having to hold it in during that earlier Bush thread nearly blew the bottom out of your Wonket comment box in here.

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Marc Garneau.

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If you can do it live, but without breaking character next time, FOX News will give you your own pundit window next to Krauthammer.

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Yeah, up here we've got Pierre Trudeau's son as leader of the Liberal Party now. I'm a Liberal, but I am pissed off that the kid's been crowned as his dad's successor without actually being the best guy for the job. Stupid, stupid move by my party. They coulda had an astronaut!

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You have to stop repressing your true feelings- it's just going to make you sick.

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In the spirit of good will solicited by the day's first post, let me say that I do NOT believe that Bush* intentionally ignored this warning so that there would be a successful terrorist attack that could be used to manufacture public and legislative support for his revenge war against Saddam, and for the domestic economic and tax policy proposals that had been resoundingly defeated during his first months in office. He sure did jump all over the opportunity, though.

*Not so sure about Cheney.

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Notice the "reading makes a country great" sign behind Dubya. Pretty sure it said "reading warning about bin Laden makes a country safe" before the Go-Pee'ers photoshopped the picture.

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Or dumbfucks what would vote for them and that be the real sadz

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Yep but seldom does we ask did our kddies learnt today

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In related news, the GOP is shitting the bed about Obama making the US look like pussies by closing the embassies.

Which really means that they are pissed off that he didn't just do nothing, so they could say that he did nothing when something happened.


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Hey, my aim is improving by the day...

Soon, I won't miss him.

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Condi Rice promises to try on all the Manolos today.

Oh, wait, that was the Katrina fuck up. Hard to keep them all straight.

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Just remember, we have not yet run out of Bushes.

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If I didn't see your name up there, I would assume that Dok let another troll through the gates...

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Bush v Clinton FOREVAH!!!!!

(Seriously, no. No more Bushes, no more Clintons. Sorry Hillary.)

((Not Sorry.))

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Stealing this, modifying it, and tweeting it.

- Shamelesspixel

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