i drink only foreign macrobrews thank you very much!

foreign? foriegn? foren? god english is dumb

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And I need new sinuses because mine are wrecked after the water I just horked reading this headline. Poor Shrub. He really can't get no respect.

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I guess the worst part about it is he sold his soul to the Cheney/Rove war-making factory. He was not a terrible human as Governor of our fair state.

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Yeah, Ohio was stolen. The Secretary of State's office set up a mirror site at the Chattanooga server that did all the voter and business registration backups for the office and sent the office IT staff home at 9:00 PM election night and ran the vote tabulation through the mirror site.

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Ron Reagan, Jr. relates being at the Republican National Convention in 2000 and everyone in seventh heaven with George Bush because they saw the Whitehouse within reach. When he said, "But, the man's an idiot," the replay was, "Don't worry. He'll have dick Cheney by his side to keep him in line."

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Speaking of George Bush and 69th birthdays, let's not forget where our former president was on John McCain's 69th birthday. He was on the tarmac of a Phoenix airport, presenting the Arizona senator with a huge birthday cake to make nice with a GOP rival. Where SHOULD he have been? In Louisiana, as that was the day, August 29, 2005, when Katrina had just hit New Orleans. Something that would become another debacle of the Bush "Heck of a job, Brownie" Administration.

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It's like that 'curse' that the Spartan king Leonidas says to Ephialtes of Trachis in the movie '300', 'May you live forever'.Whether it's historically accurate or not, to this day that man who was but a nobody (and would have died in this condition) is remembered in Greece...With his name both as the word for 'nightmare' and 'traitor'.

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When the camera's were on, doesn't qualify for my plus column.

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..flushing him downflushing him doooowwwwnn

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Oh, that is too good.

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Fret not, Wonketteers! Bush III is here to save us from a stable economy and domestic prosperity!

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Surely there had to be a load of good "Hard Ding" jokes back in day. That's gotta count for something.

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This is sort of off topic and sort of related. I started a green smoothie diet last week. The spinach smoothies have been pretty good (1 cup fresh spinach, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 plain yogurt, 1 banana, 3/4 cup berries or frozen fruit, tsp peanut butter, and some raw rolled oats). Today, I tried one with kale instead of spinach. I'm not saying it was bad, but I think making Bush drink a kale smoothie would be more appropriate than making him eat a bag of salted rat dicks.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AN AMERICAN HERO!!!!!!!!!! Oh Dan Weber you pooooooor baby. I was in Iraq 3 times and everyone that died of Iraq blood deserved it. Suck on that Dan lol

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Stop trying to suck Dan's dick.

You're embarrassing yourself.

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giggle, you upvoted yourself XD that be funny. Desperate and pathetic, but funny.Also, you were in Iraq none of the times.

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