There is a well known multiplier effect when you put money into the hands of low income people- they tend to buy bread and not stock buy-backs.

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my father worked the CCC and traveled the county side. I have the letters he wrote home to my mother while they had been dating until he was housed every where. I like to point out projects to people, so many know so little about this countries not that distant history. There are projects all through our town pathways through wooded parks and by the palisades so many more including dance halls and ranger stations. They built parts of the Appalachian trail. My fathers group planted trees to end the dust bowl. Note recently read that mega agra companies were taking down those trees so they could plant more.

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The obvious downside to this (from a certain twisted perspective) is the possibility that it might demonstrate that “socialist” principles can do good. Because that might break their world view.

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Actually Zeus banged Europa AS a cow. He was an early adopter Furry.

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IOW, the kind of economic impact that actually works. Pro top: this is a demand-driven economy (and always has been).

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Ta, Robyn. Great ideas.

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I mean, neither of those outfits are going to be great when I'm working in the yard or working on motorcycles and I'm guessing that both are dry clean only.

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Yes, needs to be switched out for anti-trans groups to nurture more GQP voters, amirite?? 😜

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I found it crazy & enlightening as to thoughts that permeating on boards that we have seen will make its way into the thoughts of congressional officers as well as the local party. Pretty sure you could scroll past. It was an open thread. I didn't mean to offend your sensibilities. My bad.

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NY Daily News did it right.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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unless you are someone who just really hates the planet and wants to destroy itSo all the MAGAs?

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Wow, wrangling teenagers. I'm sorry. (Ex Forest Service here)

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I read Wonkette because I do not read shit like this.

So I cannot abide such an abundance of it unloaded here for no discernable reason.

Cut it out.

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The economic impact sounds like trickle up.

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Going to the Moon by the end of the 1960s requires Real Commitment.

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