Owls is doing the 12-step 2-step. Tough stuff...throw tons of positive energy at the lad.

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Folks on that "other" site are saying there's a news blackout (get it, blackout?) Either this is true (what would be the point?), or there's some bullshit involved. Given that it's drudge, I'd have to call bullshit until further evidence presents itself.

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"shooting black teenagers on sight. " You mean, "thinning the herd, right"? Gotta stay on top of those right wing euphemisms.

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I wish there was a way to securely share info. There are quite a few folks here I'd like to connect with.


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why is there always a 'scott' in their names?

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thank you for that. this was a repub manufactured crisis and baggers deserve the blame. but their bloody spin machine is already in place.

economist is generally blaming repubs too: <a href="http://www.economist.com/bl..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2011/...">http://www.economist.com/bl...

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london is burning and i live by the river.

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I post political stuff on FB all the time.

Edit: I just posted that stuff about Aug 6 and Bush's incompetence. If anyone has a link for the S and P info I'll be glad to post that as well. I tend to challenge my friends...I guess I'm kind of an asshole that way.

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I have set up FB so that employers can't see it...I've had a minor tiff with my boss because I wouldn't friend her. If it comes down to it, when I start looking for a new job, I'll put up a fake FB site.

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Maybe Sanford can Hannitize away whatever STDs he probably picked up overseas.

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No...we are Taxed Enough Already! If you can make an acronym out of it, it must be true!

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Romney probably blames Obama's failed leadership when his cell phone drops a call. Or local ice cream shop runs out of his favorite flavor.

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Americans aren't known for letting facts get in the way of believing a catchy slogan.

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Yes, to Fox and the Kochminions, Democracy IS a threat.

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I demand only the best quality investments -- Do they have any more of those AAA-rated mortgage-backed securities for me to switch into?

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One ticket to Denmark, please!

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