Mmm Nick Tate and Tony Anholt... Brb

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if i had to remember all this little pony stuff there wouldn't be room for silmarillion.

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He did once switch to Lego. Lego fandom is probably older than MLP, but I think there's a journal article in explaining why a formerly respectable newspaper would <a href="http:\/\/www.guardian.co.uk\/sport\/series\/brick-by-brick" target="_blank">recreate Olympic events</a> in small plastic bricks. It wouldn't pay as much as Wonkette, in either money or exposure, but there'd be lots of academic cred.

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There's a herp for every derp.

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Blasted out of Earth orbit?? (soryy... Space 1999 flashback)

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<i>Double-Caffeinated Cool Ranch Twix Bars.</i>

I'd buy that for a dollar.

Unless it has peanuts.

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too old, fat and slow. Uncle Ted would drop him like a sack of moldy potatoes before he'd even gotten far enough to be out of breath...

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That much huge, bloated ego in one room sounds like trouble. I think we're definitely talking "crossing the streams" territory, Dok

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drunken chunkin

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"Hey cancer-bitch, you're fired!"

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Ingraham should ask Macy's how well the Trump branding has been going. <a href="http://signon.org/sign/urge..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://signon.org/sign/urge-macys-to-dump-donald">http://signon.org/sign/urge... has almost 700,000 signatures.

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Missed it slightly... The joke involves the (brown)eye of Newt and the Tower of Trump... ;)

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so basically it's rutting season for the herd of grifters...

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The best puns are the most torturous. Or so they say at Langley.

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It's on whenever Strumpf buys up all the commercial time. Pretty sure it's a vanity production.

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