When you mentioned Gummi Bears, I thought you meant like this one:


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Omg that fuzzy soap! 🤢 It LOOKS like MOLD! Them when the kid started washing his face with it…🤮

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You realize, of course, that the kid in the bearwithfungi commercial is probably someone’s grampa now, assuming he survived being infected with hairy fungus that he rubbed all over his face.

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Time for me to do a Pokerogue run with Ursarluna, Beartic, and Bewear. Ivy and I will play a game of disappearing bears... as she smites them all with Mega Rayquaza.

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Don't mess with bears! They are apex predators.

Oh, you mean teddy bears? Never mind.

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"First up, we have this, uh, soap. It’s soap shaped like a bear. That grows “hair.”"

Tis the season... "cha cha cha chia."


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I needed to get my mind off politics on this rainy Saturday and leave it to my Wonkette's you succeeded 🥰 Thanks for the chuckles and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🤗

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If you're going to have a bear picnic you will need libations. https://youtu.be/1bNLp0RmKvQ

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My parents had this on the original 78 issue. https://youtu.be/8pgqElbAR8I

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I would highly advise against watching the "Gummi Bears" beyond the opening credits. Nightmare fuel awaits.

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I guess a picnic can also be a party?


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Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there and everywhere

High adventure that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears!

Damn, that has just taken me right back to my childhood.

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I had a GF who collected dolls and wicker baskets. PhD, cultural anthropology. Mid-40s.

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Leave it to Robyn to make Party With Your Bear Day actually wholesome.

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I want to know what Wanderer is doing today

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We used to have so many awesome toys that either killed you or made you stronger. That is, before the Consumer Products Safety Commission came along and ruined all the fun

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My parents both smoked so I always had access to matches.

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I still have my Wood Burning Set.

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Sing “Wa wa wa waaa, waltzing with bears! Raggy bearss, shaggy bears, baggy bears, too! There’s nothing on earth Uncle Walter won’t do, so he can go waltzing, wa wa wa waltzing, he can go waltzing, waltzing with bears.” In memory of my beloved friend Sue, who loved this song, and in honor of the holiday.

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