turkey stories, TSA and palin coverage.

wonkette is the new grand guignol of the interwebs.

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Ok, Miss Jones...show us on the doll where the TSA agent touched you.

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"Hey, are you gonna buy me dinner after your done?" and "Hey, don't I get a kiss first?" are two questions I suggest asking the poor slob who has to cup his hands under your man-boobs. He will be really amazed and impressed by your originality.

Sorry, I'm feeling a little sympathy for the poor TSA drones who have to spend the day reaching under the corn-syrup flab of 98% of the American traveling public today. Unless, of course, said drone has his or her own corn-syrup flab to be proud of.

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Someone posted a comment on the NPR blog that he went through security with a banana stuffed in his pants, and unfortunately did not have to go through porn cancer box, nor get felt up. Sad face :(

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