Wow. Reading that is like looking up at the stars on a clear night. You know they are up there, but when you actually focus attention on them, you are dumbfounded by the incomprehensible scale of the universe. Holy shit.

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Until that day, it's still Gen-Xceptional Nation. Woooooooo!

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American Exceptionalism gives me the pip. Sure, if all other nations of the world were like Somalia, I would be thankful to be living in the US...but not boastfully thankful. But, I look at places like Canada, Europe, and most of South America, and I see smiling people dealing with national problems to be sure, but still going out for coffee, or hanging out with friends and family, and think...wtf? How is our freedom better than their freedom?

When I was in high school, the kids I admired most were the ones who had some special talent, but were <i>cool</i> about it. They didn't boast, didn't force their ideas about it, didn't jump in the shit of those who were less talented. They just did their thing and were nice to people in the process. Using this metric, the US is definitely Uncool.

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Well, "Herr Doktor," your fancy "education" obviously did not teach you that God hid those textual variants and fragments in Qumran caves and wherever in order to confuse and tempt smarty-pants scholars. Just like dinosaur bones.

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<i>Which holiday next?</i>

Cross-Dressing Day (Halloween).

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An giv thx 2 a dyin job--english teecher

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You've heard of the Oxford comma? Chuckles hasn't. He hasn't really mastered the DeVry Institute Cedar Rapids Campus Extension Division comma yet.

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and on fire, just to piss someone off.

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technically, that's true! bible explicitly says "and" (in Hebrew, of course) in lists; like "jesus and family and friends and america". tweet-bible can't spare the chars. of course, tweet-bible would read something like "don't h8, b nice, u need each othr"

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pilgrims were socialist pussies. at least that's what fux news sez, so it must be true. <a href="http://tpmdc.talkingpointsm..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/11/happy-...">http://tpmdc.talkingpointsm...

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I suspect Grassley's gardener is named Jesus. That's who he is thankful for.

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I'm not sure of all the details, but it is my understanding that when God translated the bible from the original King James into Hebrew and Greek, punctuation, capitalization, and even separations between words and sentences were dropped (or "taken up"). They were combined into a book whose name and contents are incomprehensible to anyone but Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin.

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