Why didn’t Biden inform us of the swollen testicles? Is he going to rethink the vaccine mandate with this new evidence?

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camps. closing. when?

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Will Doocy's balls be swollen?

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Not from a Covid vaccine.

Maybe from Jen kicking the shit out of them.

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When will Biden apologize to Nikki’s cousins’s friend’s swollen testicles?

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My email to the Iowa Democratic Party:

Well guys,

Good job on that open suburban seat last night. You came oh so close! I'm sure you're proud of yourselves.

What you should be is humiliated and working in a different profession, because you certainly suck at this one.

You were running against a Trump-loving, Covid Kim acolyte Republican. Nobody gives a damn about that chud's lobbying activities. You'd have been better off spending whatever you wasted on that pathetic ad on Keurig coffee pods. At least then you'd have gotten some bang for your buck. He's attacking you on effing "defund the police" and you're retort is "LOBBYIST!!?" Are you kidding me?

The GOP tried to overthrow an election and stage a coup. They're actual fascists. They're deliberately harming our children. They promote Q-nut antivax bullshit. They want to force incest-impregnated teens to carry to term. What the HELL are you people doing? Do you have even the first clue on how to craft an effective political attack? For the love of God, even if you end up losing, at least you've damaged the entire GOP brand in the process. Instead, we've got the Democratic candidate, the LOSING candidate, waxing poetic on twitter about her "honest" and issues-based campaign. Nothing like a moral victory to inspire the troops, eh?

YOU JUST NEVER LEARN AND IT IS RUINING THIS STATE AND THIS NATION. The GOP wants to turn this place into some ungodly combination of Florida, Alabama and Wyoming, and you're the only thing standing in its way. If you don't have the courage or brains or willpower to stand up and fight tough and get dirty, move aside for someone who will.

Perhaps you should just outsource your ads and messaging to the Lincoln Project or StrikePac. They know how to do it right. They actually understand psychology, motivation and the art of persuasion.

You obviously do not.

So learn, or quit. You should relish the opportunity to drag Republicans over broken glass to the gates of hell. If you don't, go work in a childcare center where singing kumbaya and playing pattycakes is actually appropriate.

Thanks for your time. Please stop sucking.


The Needle

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Honest question, when your car breaks down do you also write long impassioned letter?

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I can't persuade my car or ask it not to suck.

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Nikki's vaccine hot takes are almost as bad as her "music"


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But you think you can persuade a national org? More to the point, you think that letter meets any reasonable definition of "persuasive"?

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I don't want to persuade these fucking losers so much as I want to clue them in on the dire reality of their situation. I want to let them know that we know that they are fucking worthless and weak and suck ass at their entire reason for existing. Maybe it'll wake them up. I bet it won't. But it's worth a try.

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This should be a template.

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I took the vaccine and now I've got a hangnail. Thanks a lot, OHJB.

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So afterward, is it plain ol' operational or "operationalized"?I'm questionizing here...

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