Happy Weekend! Have You Sacrificed Your Cheese Today?
I've always considered cheese something of a religion anyway.

Happy Weekend!
Today is National Cheese Sacrifice Day! Apparently this means that it used to be the day that you would buy some cheese and put some of it in a mousetrap in order to fend off vermin. We don’t really do that anymore (and it turns out that mice don’t even like cheese, which I find weirdly disappointing for some reason) — but you can always celebrate by sacrificing cheese another way. Like by putting it in your mouth!
Your present this week is a 1969 television show called “Turn-On” that infamously only aired for one episode — half an episode in some markets. The premise was that it was a sketch show produced by a computer. Shockingly, despite starring guest host Tim Conway, it was very, very bad. Because no one wants to watch TV shows produced by a computer.
It was also, reportedly, a little dirty and not in a funny way.
I also have some sad news for you — I am running out of pet pics for this post (which is not the Top Ten anymore, we will figure that out as we go! For now I will just bring you your usual presents!), so please send me some more at robyn at wonkette dot com! Be sure to put “pet pics” in the subject line or I won’t find it! (and if you CAN, 3x2 dimensions, please!)
I had a clear out of old board games and odds and ends earlier. In amongst the Buckaroo, Mousetrap, etc was an old My Little Pony card game, of course I immediately thought of Dok.
Ború is very handsome!