What’s all this talk, about giggle factories in Mexico? Has life become so serious in the US that we have to import giggles from… oh. Never mind.

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“I sure hope they have cigarettes in Hell.” https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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There’s no quandary. If you’re a FOX viewer you know little to nothing of the news about FOXthese past two weeks.

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I am so sorry. That’s discrimination.

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They are so fucking excited about Fentanyl! It’s the new crack, one taste and you’re hooked for life! It can kill you if you just look at it!

It should be noted that this is same approach they used with heroin, LSD, and cannabis. Lucky we got that shit eradicated or people would be falling dead left and right.

I would enjoy hearing them explain how it is that hospitals stock Fentanyl without snuffing doctors and pharmacists.

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Get this fucking propaganda mill off the air.

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Gutfeld is upset that Falkner, a woman is a bigger liar than he is. " It's on Harris!" Gutfeld shouted recently ...

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I hope they pay through their collective noses.They’re imploding.Can’t happen fast enough.This is where they go because they got nothing else. Won’t even report on their own situation.Fox remains blocked at biff’s.

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“ And to me, it’s like it shows this is why he just opened the border so wide. “ Waving that right wing talking point for all to see, isn’t she? I feel for anyone who has to bury their children, but this seems like some nasty sort of exploitation of their deaths for her fifteen minutes on Fox. What would Biden gain to laugh at the deaths of her children?! Hell, how many of his own children has he had to bury? This people are the definition of despicable.

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They're only excited about Fentanyl because it's affecting Wypipo

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The doctors and pharmacists are part of the conspiracy, duh!

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So I’m devastated.I’ve been unemployed for two months and while I’m ok financially I am ready for this to be over. Like waaaaaay past ready. I thought I had a good chance at a job. Then I missed the interview. Then I apologized — there was an issue with the time zones — and they set up a second one. Today was the second one. It went really well. It was the best interview so far. But the lady asked when I was in college. I’m 47. I was in college in 1993. Well. I got a big, old NO an hour later. I am fucking devastated. Just ducking devastated.

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My deepest sympathies. I was once turned down when the interviewer assumed I would resent my boss being younger than me. Ageism is so unfair.

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One time I got a job just because they asked my age - I was 25. It ended up being a bad situation but still. May people who discriminate based on age be in the same situation.

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Tesla announces new gigafactory will be located in Mexico. Gracias, Señor Musky.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

This will unfortunately put a lot of Chihuahuas out of work. 😋 https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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