Harry Reid is not perfect, as he'll be the first to tell you. Second to tell you will be your Wonket, your Wonkette, and all of les enfants terrible who would leave comments here, if we allowed those.
so does this mean that when we go back to SOP business as usual and Senate Dems go back to capitulating to the minority that we can now blame Reid since he's proved that they don't actually have to cave?
Harry Reid is, in fact, a bawse. Don&#039;t forget, this is a guy who grew up in a shack with no toilet, boxed in High School, and on the way to becoming Senate Leader inspired a minor character in Scorcese&#039;s <em>Casino</em> (some of the dialog is in fact verbatim quotes from Reid&#039;s time as chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission). Whenever a Nevada politician is rumored to be considering running against Reid, somehow that politican always seems quickly to start drowning in a flood of scandal.
Harry Reid gets what he wants. Problem is, what he wants is often not what we want, because he&#039;s no liberal that&#039;s for sure. But he <em>is</em> a bawse.
There&#039;s always been an extent to which it&#039;s Reid&#039;s fault. He&#039;s not a liberal, a lot of the &quot;caves&quot; have been because he doesn&#039;t have much of a problem with the compromised versions of whatever bill.
She did great. I do wish, though, that she and the House Dems would now mount a great big loud PR campaign to expose Boehner&#039;s sleazy manipulation of House rules. The late-night change of procedure to prevent a vote being called by, essentially, anyone; the absurd &quot;majority of the majority&quot; bullshit ... the House Dems have been <i>pathetic</i> about that crap. They should be yelling and screaming on every morning news show in the country.
We gonna need a bigger bullhorn.
Reid to Boehner: That&#039;s it for the other one.
But what&#039;s become of the baby? (this cold October morning?)
Needz moar Eleanor. Much more.
so does this mean that when we go back to SOP business as usual and Senate Dems go back to capitulating to the minority that we can now blame Reid since he&#039;s proved that they don&#039;t actually have to cave?
Nick Mason
I guess I picked a bad day not to wear my magic underwear
Harry Reid is, in fact, a bawse. Don&#039;t forget, this is a guy who grew up in a shack with no toilet, boxed in High School, and on the way to becoming Senate Leader inspired a minor character in Scorcese&#039;s <em>Casino</em> (some of the dialog is in fact verbatim quotes from Reid&#039;s time as chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission). Whenever a Nevada politician is rumored to be considering running against Reid, somehow that politican always seems quickly to start drowning in a flood of scandal.
Harry Reid gets what he wants. Problem is, what he wants is often not what we want, because he&#039;s no liberal that&#039;s for sure. But he <em>is</em> a bawse.
There&#039;s always been an extent to which it&#039;s Reid&#039;s fault. He&#039;s not a liberal, a lot of the &quot;caves&quot; have been because he doesn&#039;t have much of a problem with the compromised versions of whatever bill.
More like his heavy bag.
In whose case it&#039;s more like &quot;highlighting that&quot; than &quot;making look like&quot;
How many pixelpoints to an Amero?
I&#039;m actually a fan of Nancy. For one thing, consider the alternative: Steny Hoyer. *Shudder*
She is pretty much an expert herder of cats.
You like your Harrys best when they have a <a href="http:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0421030\/" target="_blank">Mormon connection</a>, eh?
Well, except Boner did. The toilet just backed up, is all. Teapers might want to call in Joe the Plumber to fix that.
She did great. I do wish, though, that she and the House Dems would now mount a great big loud PR campaign to expose Boehner&#039;s sleazy manipulation of House rules. The late-night change of procedure to prevent a vote being called by, essentially, anyone; the absurd &quot;majority of the majority&quot; bullshit ... the House Dems have been <i>pathetic</i> about that crap. They should be yelling and screaming on every morning news show in the country.