His creep-faced son, Shitstick Junior, says they would bring up too many “questions” that detract from his dad’s core message, which is that the white race will rise again


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To be fair, I'm British and we're seeing a general resurgence of fascism all across Europe. UKIP in the UK, Poland, Germany, Austria, France... Hate crimes shot up after our Brexit vote. This is why I and many other people are so invested in Trump losing - he's sort of become a modern figurehead for fascism all across the world.


Oh the irony of the right borrowing the notion of international solidarity...

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Hillary is a sickly known liar. Hello??? People are sure stupid and ignorant. Benghazi, server in the home, Bleach Bit, saying she only had one device while she has had at least 13, destroying some with a hammer ( who destroys a phone with a hammer), losing some, not remembering if she had training, does not know that a 'C' means confidential……I am tired of typing all of her corruption. And she is SICK! That was no faint. It was a seizure and so are all of her face tics and blank stares. Yep….she is fit. She is running to keep Dobama's corruption under wraps. Like we cannot wire money to Iran. Oops..…we did wire money to Iran.

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Trump not being well-endowed in the financial department

Since Trump hasn't given to charity since 2008, that would indicate to me, he's B-R-O-K-E.https://media.giphy.com/med...

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Most of what Hillary says is True, Mostly True or Half True.

Most of what Trump says is Mostly False, False, Pants on fire False.

Source: http://www.politifact.com/t...

Your point is….?

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Why? Because stupid people prefer to be lied to by lying Liars who tell lies they like so much. Simplistic lies for simple minded morons.

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He's floundering already.

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People are saying that Trump is in hock up to his goofy bouffant. I don't know. Maybe the IRS. Maybe the dolts who are donating money that he puts in his pocket. Maybe they can figure out they are getting screwed. People are saying.

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If only BleachBit could get the cruft out of your head like it does your computer, you might be okay.

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Even if what you say was true, how is Donald better? He was actually fined for illegally donating, and as a result of that donation avoided an investigation into his actually fraudulent University.

But OK, you don't care about him ripping off goobers and yahoos. Doesn't it bother you that he is in hock up to his ears to the Russians, that he says nice things about Putin, that he said he'd junk NATO and let Putin have the Crimea?

When did your hatred for Hillary trump your hatred of the Russians?

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Misogyny. That is why this race is close. You know how Obama made us realize that we are way, way more racist than we thought we were? Black men got the vote before women. We are way, way, way more sexist than we've ever been willing to admit.

Trump may destroy the economy, plunge the world into war, and give Europe to the Russians, but at least he'll preserve white male privilege. And for a shocking amount of Americans, that's all they really care about.

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I hate to say it, but one of mine would vote for him. She watches him whenever hes on the tv. But, shes a fluffy little Targeryan who also loves to watch fire and violence, so she was already kind of evil.

My other cat would probably vote for Johnson because he ultimately just thinks he should be able to do what he wants all the time with no rules.

Basically, my cats are stupid assholes.

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The game was rigged (by Trump).

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Dobama? This has got to be fake. Or a prime example of Poe's Law.

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I would pay cash money to see Hillary get up there and tell a whale of a whopper. Just straight out lie: "Donald, we have video of you in that hotel room with that 13-year-old. As soon as the Justice Department validates it, they'll be arresting you." Or something along those lines. Just flat-out insane bullshit.

And you know - you know! - the moderator would call her out for lying. Even if Trump had just told three lies in thirty seconds and he let it pass.

Then Hillary looks at the moderator and says, "I thought you weren't going to call out lies."

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