Laden or unladen?

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Ahhh. Now I know how Mitch McConnell got so stupid.

From hardworking coal miners just doing their jobs... http://media2.giphy.com/med...

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if it's a Brit swallow on rubbish day it might be bin laden all the way to the kerb.

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"I don’t mean to be mean-spirited, but he IS a lump of coal."

Daaaaaaaamn! Comedian of the year!

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I will pre-order this.

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Daaaaamn! That pile of ashes behind him used to be all the bridges he just burned.

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I'd say "I think they're all losers" is a reasonable assessment, and "I don't really care" is a reasonable response.

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I like Harry Reid, he's an arrogant, presumptuous, asshole. The difference is I look like George Clooney.

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I love it when a politician retires & just doesn't give a shit anymore about being politically correct.

Give 'em he'll Harry!!!

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Let those yarbles swing, Harry.

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"He believes that coal is the salvation of the world."Jeebus libelz?

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I like Reid all right. And now that he's described Cooter McConnell as a lump of coal I feel all warm and toasty about the old fuck.

'Course I think he really blew it by not killing the filibuster when he had the chance. And I think Chuck Schumer is just an enormous pile of Wall Street offal and should not be given a speck more power in the Senate than he already has.

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So true about the filly-buster. Barry coulda got sooo much done 2009-11, and then vetoed everything passed by the even-more-Republican House and Senate thereafter.

Oh well...

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El Blimpo is also the guy who started all the "Hillary was seen in the park just after Vince Foster was murdered" rumors. He's one hell of a serial fabulist.

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I'm afraid it will be a while before Merkley has enough power to impose his will on the entire Senate, but I'm going to keep phonebanking for him every single time he's up for reelection.

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The fun is not in the illegality of it.

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