Yes - it says a great deal about him that he kept it. I would bet quite a bit that Mr. Truman answered that letter. He served in the trenches in World War I. He wrote condolence letters to the families of men in his unit who were killed.

Mr. Truman did more than run a war from an office. He had been on the business end of it.

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And the populations of Nanking, Singapore, Manila, etc., wrote to the aggrieved Japanese to express their condolences.

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Truman laughed heartily, banging his fists on his desk, saying "Girls! In combat! Oh, that's rich!"

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I hope that wasn't your concrete alligator that was straffed by the local police officers.

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Somehow that sounds so much more dignified and eloquent than if it was a cut-and-pasted status update on Facebook.

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When politician's' and pundits' children are forced to fight on the front lines we'll finally have peace.

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Who is undefeated at Wrestlemania.

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How did I already know about this? Oh, yeah, I used to live in Independence, MO. Apparently that letter was already a local legend.

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