So complicated, you almost need a Harvard degree to manage a menage-á-trois.

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Many colleges offer free tuition to a professor's family, including his/her spouse. If the spouse takes them up on it, is the professor no longer able to bang his own wife/husband? Asking for a friend.

(I asked pretty much the same question when well-meaning colleagues at my employing institution drafted a similar statement. It died, but my colleagues were very proud at having sent an important "message". Also, too, academics suck at drafting legislation.)

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Or possibly the <i>Chicago Tribunc</i>

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One-way transitivity is pretty standard stuff in group theory.

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They had those, back in the day, in their imaginations. And by "they", obviously, I mean "a friend".

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68 years. Well, that one did work out.

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Pretty much, yes?

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You know, this took me three tries.

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Did you go to a Big Ten school? 'Cause that's some class-A Big Ten snark.

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"Fascinating, in an odd way, that any publisher would put its name on a potboiler of no merit such as this one. It would be daring of any author to claim this terrible pulp 'novel' as his own."

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Yeah, but only at the <a href="http:\/\/www.harvardclubpalmbeaches.org\/index.html" target="_blank">Florida campus.</a>

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And just <i>how </i> are the ladies supposed to get extra credit now?

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The august NY <i>Times</i> has turned its unflinching gaze on elite-college sexytime and found that, at <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2015\/01\/29\/us\/vanderbilt-rape-trial-didnt-stir-students-on-campus.html\?_r=0" target="_blank">Vanderbilt </a>at least, what you don't know won't hurt you.

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