Is it too much to ask that a majority of people become rational and stop believing in fucking fairy tales at some point in my life? At some point before we blow up the planet at least?
Where I live, "middle school" is grades 6-8, and "junior high" is grades 7-9. There's some overlap in elementary schools and high schools because of that...
Drudge Siren: Drudge Report still stupid drivel after all these years!!!!!!
Is it too much to ask that a majority of people become rational and stop believing in fucking fairy tales at some point in my life? At some point before we blow up the planet at least?
Where I live, "middle school" is grades 6-8, and "junior high" is grades 7-9. There's some overlap in elementary schools and high schools because of that...
We're the new silent majority. Not one person I know actually believes the bugga-bugga superstitions of the major religious cults.
Didn't you know? David Barton says that Jefferson was an evangelical Christian...and Barton's a preacher so according to RWNJs, he can't possibly lie.
Hey Shy? I believe you've got some Turkish spam.
You think that's bad? Fucking pandas are getting lucky. They'll outnumber us any day now!!!!111.1.111.,1!
Funny. I was just saying this the other day.
Is that like Turkish Delight?
I thought was camel meat loaf.
Also, I thought that according to US America's bugfuck-crazy legacy of racial classification, Arabs and Persians count as 'white' anyway.
Let me guess, he wouldn't give you a blowjob during Ramadan?
Raúl! It´s communist twincest!
I just can't get worked up over something that will happen when I'm a hundred fraking years old. I'll either be dead or sleeping a whole lot.
I was just saying this three times backwards fast.