It was a B-side to Rawhide I believe : )

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it's a rescue cow, then.

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If only she had a bullhorn on a massive media outlet!

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So, we'll be executing the Sackler family after a speedy trial?

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I looked that word up and THAT IS ME! I had no idea it was a thing! This is so exciting--forever, I've recoiled at certain patterns, saying that they look like skin disease or something, but was never able to really what it was. I am emailing everyone I know with this!

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Sometimes it's just a matter of practice. Keep trying!

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If Trump wins re-election, I'll volunteer to be first in line.

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Just finished my taxes in less than 30 minutes online. It's easy when you don't own any property. At least you don't get bombarded every 30 seconds with offers to upgrade from the free file. That's how it was when the e-file program started.

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Just noticed at the store yesterday that Fireball now comes in box containers like the cheap wines. FWIW.

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Coach? More like a Short Bus.

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I'm sure people will LOVE those emails!

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In my teens I was in the English Civil War re-enactment organization "The Sealed Knot", fighting the Royalists/Cavaliers, as a Roundhead/Parliamentarian pikeman. I swear every battle we re-enacted that the Roundheads won---almost all of them of course---the Cavaliers would nonetheless actually try to win, despite the immutability of the history. Reminded me of our modern day Confederates.

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So Dave has moved on from being mad about the ungodly erection he got from the Superbowl halftime show?

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if the MSM and social media are colluding against right wingers, then the MSM and social media companies are doing a shitty job of it. Trump's campaign is allowed to put up edited videos on FB to attack Pelosi.

Almost as if Nunes is trying to throw people off from looking at Facebook and Twitter too hard because republicans are pushing those companies to help them and hurt dems.

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