The guy in the red "Save America" baseball cap can only lose votes by talking and probably knows it.

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She will be a guest contributor on Gateway Pundit before she stops tipping your trashcans over on collection day.

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She did, however, come out in front of the incel with the Trumpet tie and MAGA hat.

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I'm not ready to see the last of Lauren Boebert. I definitely do want to see the last of her, but I would prefer to see her go through something lingering, like a pathetic campaign that she loses in a landslide.

Of course she might just keep moving on to a new district, but I doubt that she could find one where she'd win.

I don't wish death on people I don't like, but a bit of misery is not too much to ask. Or even a lot of misery.

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"my boys need some freedom from what’s going on" which would be best served if they went to live with relatives, letting Ms Boobert move down to Mar a Lago to compete for Mrs. VP, if you know what I mean.

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Could we take a moment to pour one out for poor Mr. Boebert, who's facing two assault charges, first, his little to-do with Lauren at the restaurant, and, recently, assaulting and threatening his 18-year-old son with a gun.

Alcohol appeared to be a factor in both incidents.

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Why do I suspect Boobert got advice to change districts from Louie Gohmert who traded his safe house seat for the chance of a lower paying, less prestigious job as Texas AG and then got his butt handed to him in the republicon primary.

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Ta, Stephen. We're going to miss you around here. Best of luck in all your endeavors, and have fun eating breakfast with your son.

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“Republicans are better off when I’m not on the ballot.”

For once, she ain’t lyin’!

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Every sentient being is better off when she's not on the ballot.

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What better way to bring your ex-husband honor than a topless mutual grope session with a casual boyfriend in a public theater.

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And what does that even mean in the first place, "bring him honor"?

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I believe he was a Dem, too.

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Finish with a blow job?

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To misquote HST:

“They say she may be gone, but I’m not going to believe it until I gnaw on her skull with my very own teeth. (My very own teeth.)”

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Does this idiot really think that moving to another district actually shield her from any further scrutiny? Oh honey. The only way to do that is to just go back to being a private citizen. Sadly, slinging hash won’t get her that large government paycheck plus benes that she would otherwise never get with her education and poor job skills.

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Preferably a private citizen in a country other than the U.S. of A.

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I suspect going back to slinging hash or her world famous Ptomaine Ptork Sliders is not going to get her less scrutiny. Local Health Depts still inspect restaurants in Colorado.

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I think she meant: "Me, I'm a carpetbagger, but Imma blame it on my kids and my ex-husband, convicted sex creep".

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That's nice, sweetie. You didn't answer the question.

Loved her demonstration of what an airhead she is, though. Her voice and speech patterns match every expectation of "stupid, clueless, immature and shameless" that we expect from any Republican. Don't every change, Missy.

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Five of Nine? You will be assimilated...

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Boebert campaign slogan: Hollywood will pour money into the fourth district if you elect Boebert.

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