John Boehner thinks she's stunning and wants to know where she tans.

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Ummm . . . you know that whooshing sound overhead... ?

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Gee, you'd think the fundie preachers would have mastered this trick by now. From all the evidence, they haven't.

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Where's the version with two gay guys? (Same text as above.)

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It made the woman "look good" (to men, natch.) In an age when the only way to get anywhere was to walk, it also made running away from an abusive spouse next-to-impossible.

Feel free to speculate on which motive came first.

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"not something that grosses them out."

Does this mean no political ads from Darryl Issa and Ted Cruz?

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Shoe: A holder used as a support for the stationary portion of the work during forging and trimming operations.

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This is what happens when you send work out to the lowest bidder. (And/or the commissioner's nephew.)

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I'd be pissed if my car broke down every 8200 miles

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This is outrageously sexist!

Men talk about shoes, too.

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