Fuck all the confederate losers with red hot votes

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Or the twins, Starsky and Hutch.

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Favorite engraver.

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Gotta say I'm impressed by the reference to Dante; that he imagines that voting against upholding the Confederate flag is equivalent to the worst possible Sin, next to that of Judas, that Dante could imagine, is remarkable. Much worse than homosexuality, worse than murder, worse than incest, worse than alchemy: wow!

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That's way the fuck past petulant dickishness.

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My immediate thought - He has sons called Cannon and Casius!!????

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"This is Cocytus, the ninth circle, the fourth and last great water of Hell, and here fixed in the ice, each according to his guilt, are punished sinners guilty of treachery against those who they are bound to by special ties."you mean like the Confederates

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That precise claim was in an insane tract which a fundie friend pushed on me in high school - might have been Billy Graham, not sure. But here's a reference to the broader topic: http://www.jesuscentral.com...

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He has a lean and derpy look.

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Well that illustration does look a lot like Berlin in 1945.

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If can get the endorsements of Chris Corley and Todd Courser, he's a shoo-in.

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This twerp has child-naming skills worthy of a Palin.

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Well. That there is some World Class Butthurt. I wonder if this comes in 50 gallon drums? If so, and I were one of the lucky recipients, I'd have it delivered directly to him on the chamber floor in the middle if that vote he's called on restoring the traitor's banner to the statehouse.

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After which we send them to *your* house to scatter the sharp tiny pieces which match your carpet, right beside your bed, - just so. Let the 2AM swearing commence. *g*

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Help! I'm immortal but I've been trapped in this coffin for 130 years!

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And because I was not a jolly old elf I remained silent

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