damn, i miss george. his take on dumpy would be awesome.

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I have never seen that quote. Thank you. I see some reading in my future.

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I don't have ladyparts for a wand to be inserted into, but I've still had an ultrasonic wand inside me, as part of a biopsy. I can attest to your description as being entirely accurate, although at the time I likened it more to crowbar being vigorously wielded.

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Not enough. My body is MY property and what happens to it is MY choice. Nobody else, but nobody, gets to decide. PS: It's not a child. It's a cluster of barely-recognizable cells that could fail at the slightest provocation. I know, I lost three wanted pregnancies. Fuck these people so fucking hard.

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At six weeks it's a piece of rice with a tremor. (If you're lucky - assuming you want to form babby.)

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Wow. I had one to assess osteoporosis and it was nothing. They must be a lot more invasive for other purposes. My sympathy.

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Fuck these assholes. I'm lucky that I live in a country where abortion isn't nearly as big a deal as it is in America.My sixteen year old friend got pregnant when we were in school and I sat with her at the clinic. It was quick, safe and the staff were kind. She was asked once if she was sure of her decision and when she said she was, that was that. She's never regretted having an abortion - she was nowhere near ready to have a baby, even if she put it up for adoption afterwards. This guilt tripping and false information is really damaging.

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I accidentally clicked on the video. The teddy bear made me want to vomit a little. I can sense the hate through the video. The only thing Christian about that woman might be a belief in stoning.

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I accidentally went to a CPC when I was 16. It was a horrible experience. When I was 20, married, and expected I was pregnant I went to planned parenthood and did a pregnancy test there and the treatment was 100% better at PP than the CPC. I was actually called a whore at 16 because I thought I was pregnant and wanted birth control.

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I like pissing off the anti-choice people by arguing that until the baby is viable outside the womb, it is no different than than a parasite. Oh boy does that piss them off.

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Oh God tell me about it! I had to have a tech stop because it felt like she was trying to get pictures of my heart instead an ovary by pushing it up so hard. I was in fucking tears! If a tech doesn't know what they're doing, that shit hurts like all fucking hell!

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There are techs who know the limit of a vagina and how far and hard they can push it. Then there are techs who just don't fucking care. Which it seems to be more of the latter. I've had many fertility issues so I've had dozens of vaginal US. Not to mention I'm due any day with our 3rd baby so I'm very familiar with these tests. Luckily I had a good tech and as long as I tell them my left ovary is hidden behind my uterus, they don't go looking for it in my chest cavity.

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Same.. shamelessly

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And best of all, it's true!

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It makes them be able to claim to be more moral, good, and pure than the rest of us without having to actually be more moral, good, or pure.

I can see the attraction to it. They get all the benefits plus the supposed authority to lord it over us without having to actual do anything to earn it.

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I saw a Catholic article recently claiming that "new research from the U.K. proves birth control increases abortion rates" because over half the women were using birth control when they got pregnant. Amazing the lack of logic there.

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