Love how the former Hawaiian king's name has become a famous anime move (and meme).

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i read the judges decision, and IANAL, but i enjoyed the very robust push back to the NRA and the SCOTUS gun humping fancies - this is a really refreshing take on common sense, easy to understand and hard to refute gun laws and the 2A arguments

also any judge that talks about the framers not expecting people to pack a musket to the wigmakers so why would we now, gets my respect

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I'm sure you would be equally enthusiastic about a decision outlawing abortion because "the spirit of Jesus" is more important than the Constitution.

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Any judge who actually cites "The Wire" in his decision gets my respect.

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Repubs strongly support states' rights until they don't.

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So...NOT "deja vu all over again." Aloha!

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You want originalism? Allow me to share my favorite Thomas Jefferson quotation, straight from the wall of the Jefferson Memorial: "laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

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The Guardian, though pretty good in most respects, did the thing I hate where they quoted "Alan Beck, an attorney not involved in the Wilson case" as saying “The use of pop culture references to attempt to rebuke the supreme court’s detailed historical analysis is evidence this is not a well-reasoned opinion". Guess what? This WAS the Alan Beck who litigated Young vs. Hawaii, that legalized open carry in Hawaii in the first place. Thanks for muddying the water, Gruniad!

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Sorry NRA. The Second Amendment does not say that everybody gets to have a gun and is allowed to carry it around with them everywhere No way no how does it say that.

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They keep forgetting that it starts out referencing a well-regulated militia.

Article One, Section Three lays out the duties and responsibilities of a well-regulated militia:

1. To enforce the laws of the United States of America

2. To suppress insurrections

3. To repel foreign invaders

That's it. That's why Americans are allowed personal ownership of guns.

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I believe the Repubs have rewritten that part of the Constitution in their own image. They have also rewritten the First Amendment to say that Repubs have the right to say anything they want, anywhere they want, without anyone being able to answer back.

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ah, sanity . . . were it not so rare.

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That's quite a linky there, the Brennan Center one. Here it is again so you don't have to scroll back up to find it if you didn't click the first time https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/how-nra-rewrote-second-amendment

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Here are a few cute kitty pics if you're interested. 😻


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Can't Hawaii just ignore the US Supreme Court and keep upholding gun convictions and gun control laws?

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I mean, blowing off what courts say is working so well for Trump so maybe we should all try it

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Hawaii wouldn't even have to guild a wall. They already have a moat.

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That would be a constitutional crisis.

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Sorta like Texas?

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Texas is dancing around the edges because there's a Democrat in the White House.

They are not actually defying the letter of the latest court order.

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Only abortion is delegated to spit lickers in states.

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My dad had a 32, Colt, or possibly Smith & Wesson, that came into his father's possession when a hobo traded it to him for some merch from their general store. There's a story that the sheriff borrowed one time to go look into some trouble. And somehow the sheriff and three other men were found dead. It was a small town, like population 248 in the 1960s, and guns were apparently not very common.

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Scalia had the sharpest legal mind I have ever seen. To see him go so wrong, as he did in Heller, was dismaying. People have died and will die because Scalia willfully screwed up, and his allies on the Court bent to his persuasion.

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Being smart and being humane are two different things.

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He used his brilliance as a jurist to twist truth. That means he knows he was full of shit but argued otherwise. It's the worst kind of cynicism.

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Don't confuse the point on Scalia's head with a mind.

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He went wrong in *so* many other ways as well – Citizens United, for example.

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The problem with Jon Stewart’s take is that he boils it down to the decision being between two old guys. NO IT IS NOT.

We’re not just picking between two people. We’re picking an administration. We’re picking a cabinet. We’re picking an Attorney General. Judges. The direction the country is going to move in. What legislation gets signed. What executive orders get signed. Who our allies abroad are. What happens to Ukraine. EVERYTHING.

So no. This isn’t a choice between age. Not even close.

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i am more shallow. i hate the fact that i have to relive jon stewart's opinions.

i mean, honestly.

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Agreed. Note that we also have VPs as backup. They are there precisely so that there is backup to the President. We don't yet know who trump will pick as VP (though it won't be Pence), but we do know it will be someone horrible.

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The fact that Stewart can look at the two eventual candidates - one of whom is making no secret that he wants to be re-elected so he can pardon himself for everything and extract vengeance on his enemies - and joke OH MAN THEY BOTH SO OLD is pretty pathetic bothsiderism

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Stewart was trying to play for laughs based on his idea of relevance. It isn't funny and he needs to get a new bunch of writers who understand what is relevant.

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I've been saying this all along. PAB's administration was nothing but corrupt, incompetent grifters, racists, and bigots.

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But those are the core competencies of the Repugnant Party!

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I said this in a comment a few days ago, but as a lament that this administration's representative is so unpopular that it's a 50-50 chance he loses to the January 6th guy.

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He did say (per HuffPo): “Biden’s lost a step, but Trump regularly says things at rallies that would warrant a wellness check.”

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Plus, you know, Trump has a policy plan that involves the end of America as a democracy and most recently the very real prospect of nuclear war in Europe.

Which I'm sure will be great for the economy.

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Or civilization is doomed by our being led to pay attention to irrelevancies.

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I'll bet that L'il Feller wishes that he could have said that before you did. And that's the highest praise that I would ever have.

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Li'l Feller talks, Hamilton plagiarizes.

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I'm calling BS this one time.

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LF made me say that.

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That looks like either the Washington or Oregon shoreline. And Milo is adorable. When I take my Wilson to the beach he immediately starts digging like a mad man. Gets a lot of sand in his eyes, the silly goof.

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